The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Paralleled Joy

John Olerud was at Citi Field for the Mets game on the fourth Sunday in May, just as he was at Shea Stadium for the Mets game on the fourth Sunday in May a quarter-century before…though “just as” might be a stretch. In 2024, Olerud was a visitor, sitting in the stands, brought to the […]

The Baderfly Effect

The more straightforward aspects of a baseball game don’t require much explanation. Slugger Pete Alonso hit a home run. Got it. Starter Jose Quintana didn’t walk anybody. Got it. Closer Edwin Diaz blew a save. Got it, though we wish we didn’t. Still, protagonists gonna protagonize.

The aspects of ballgame that keep a person engaged beyond […]

America’s Favorite Son

Dull and dreary turned to bright and shiny in an instant — the very last instant. If you’re gonna make such a switch, latest inevitably proves better than never.

Had Brandon Nimmo not swung and connected for the walkoff two-run homer that transformed a 3-2 deficit into a 4-3 victory, dull and dreary was prepared to […]

Winlike Symptoms

Francisco Lindor didn’t start Thursday afternoon’s game, much as he didn’t finish Wednesday night’s. He was said to be suffering from flulike symptoms. As someone who’s been enduring some of those myself, I can relate. I don’t have a Joey Wendle standing by to fill in for me, however. Wendle was an All-Star as recently […]

Best Enjoyed Through a Smoky Haze

Tough walking around New York with all that smoke wafting down from Canadian wildfires. To take our minds off the ominous skies, let’s enjoy some Mets highlights from Wednesday night in Atlanta!

All of New York can see how great its Mets are doing.

No delay — the game starts on time!
A first-inning run — […]

Damn Good Glop

Glop is the word that occurred to me after sitting through the Mets and Pirates getting gloppy with one another at Citi Field Sunday afternoon. I don’t even know if I’ve ever used the word glop before, but it seems to fit. I had to look it up to make sure it really is a […]

Seriesously Speaking

Some things don’t change even as the calendar pages do. Back in April, emphasis placed on winning series was emphasis well-directed We have now entered September. Winning series is still a very good thing. A very good goal, too, though I wouldn’t want to get too far ahead of myself. Take every day, even the […]

The Mets-Phillies Takeout Special

OK, lemme see if I got all this. You want the pair of Slugger Milestones — the 100th RBI and the 30th homer, wrap them separately. Yeah, those’ll stay cold. They’re Polar.

You want the Speedy Duo with the Double Steal, the back half being the steal of home. You got it. We keep that on […]

Now You See It

Everybody misplaces their Mojo from time to time. In the summer of 1999, Austin Powers had to chase his Mojo all the way back to 1969. A couple of months later, the 1999 Mets’ Mojo experienced dizzying spikes and frightening declines despite Jim Morrison’s advice that it should keep on risin’. For a night-and-a-half in […]

Stolen Plate Appearance

If you’ve ever watched me try to make an eastbound LIRR connection at Jamaica while my intended train is pulling away, you already know I’ve never been any kind of a runner. Nevertheless, I’ve run into a most fascinating box score by way of a game story from 28 years ago, which gives me a […]