The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Thought Process No Longer Valid

So, what do I lead with when this no-hitter is over? Bob Moose in 1969? Max Scherzer in 2015? Proof that a no-hitter thrown at the Mets late in a season doesn’t necessarily preclude that season from having a successful (maybe Amazin’ly successful) postseason? That’s a tough sell. I know it’s true, but when the […]

Look Who's No. 6


OK, maybe that message isn’t inspiring enough to make a September scoreboard in Queens, but it’s true: At this writing the Mets are a game ahead of the Braves for the third National League wild card, which is a fancy way of saying sixth in a league that now grants playoff spots […]

Our Time in Eden

These days…

I’m tempted to offer no notes on what feels, now that it’s been put in the books, like a perfect win. The Mets never trailed. When the score grew close, the Mets added on eventually. When the score grew close again, the Mets prevented it from becoming even — then added on immediately. The […]

Rumors in the Forest

These days, you don’t have to be in the New York area — or the outer limits of AM radio range — to keep up with the Mets. You just need an MLB account and a certain amount of cell service.

Well, and a little luck.

The beginning of the Mets’ game against the Red Sox found […]

Weekend Spa Treatment

Without knowing what they paid, I’d say the Mets got an excellent rate on their weekend spa treatment. They’ve rarely entered a Monday appearing more relaxed and ready to face whatever awaits them. In this case, it’s a playoff chase in September.

The 2024 White Sox will make anybody look and feel fantastic. The 2024 White […]

Faith in Flushing Affirmed

I liked it better when ballplayers talked about “turning the page” on bad days. Sometime in the past decade or so, turning the page morphed into flushing, and not the charming village in Queens whose northwestern edge we know so well. “You gotta flush it” became the page-turning mantra of choice. Maybe nobody reads printed […]

They Didn't Let Him Get Out of It

A night after looking all but moribund against Joe Musgrove (seriously, you’re the wise one if you slept through it), the Mets put together one of their more satisfying wins of the season against Michael King and the rest of the Padres.

A common exhortation heard on my couch is, “C’mon, don’t let him get out […]

The Life of Huascar

Take a moment and consider the life of Huascar Brazoban.

Not long ago he was stuck on the Marlins, with Jazz Chisholm Jr. offering near-daily examples of being a bad teammate, Skip Schumaker staring out of the dugout like a man who can’t bear to think how long he’ll be on county work release, and the […]

We Shall Now Call the Roll

The chair recognizes the delegate from Manaea.

Mister Secretary! The great state of Manaea wishes to cast all seven-plus of its innings, including the first five-and-two-thirds that were absolutely PERFECT, for the team that allows its starting pitcher to consistently go at least seven innings when able, the team we will strive like HECK to bring […]

Outhitting Their Mistakes

Given the ebbs and flows of a entertaining yet maddening season, perhaps we’ve lost track of a simpler formula to make sense of the 2024 Mets: They need to outhit their mistakes.

The rotation is pedestrian, a bunch of No. 4 starters with ceilings as No. 3s. The relief corps is spaghetti at a wall. The […]