The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Stupid Real Life

Being a fan is inherently ridiculous.

Two weeks ago we were collectively rending our garments because the Mets were painful to watch and we were killing time waiting to a) see what they got for every upright body at the trade deadline; and b) complain about seeing Pete Alonso in the togs of the Mariners/Cubs/Giants/What-Have-Yous.

Then came […]

Grin and Grimace

I didn’t expect a giddy stretch related to the 2024 Mets, and yet here we are.

I was playing mini-golf and eating ice cream, meaning I was late to my assigned duties (sorry not sorry) and yet was only mildly surprised to find it was Forces of Good 7, Defending But Currently Not So Hot World […]

Interim Pleasures

Whether it was out of quaint National League loyalty, appreciation for vanquishing the Phillies, or a fleeting fancy born of the whims of October, I was an Arizona Diamondbacks fan for five nights in the World Series, extending the quick hop I made aboard their slithering bandwagon during the NLCS. An interim fan, you might […]

Well-Deserved Win and Loss

Just desserts were on the Citi Field menu Wednesday night as the Mets earned their 6-5 victory over the Texas Rangers, and the Rangers just as surely earned their 6-5 defeat at the hands of the New York Mets.

Had it gone the other way, all would have seemed more predestined. The Mets are the lousier […]

Jacob and the Jilted

All hail the free market! All hail labor empowerment! All hail the ability of the Texas Rangers to commit as many dollars and years as they choose to Jacob deGrom, and all hail Jacob deGrom’s ability to choose to take the dollars (185 million of them) and years (five, carrying him past his 39th birthday). […]

Reborn on the Third of July

Jacob deGrom pitched to six minor league batters on Sunday night. Five of them turned into smoldering holes in the dirt adjacent to home plate. I didn’t notice what became of the sixth. As far as we can tell, nobody was actually harmed, neither the young Jupiter Hammerheads whose future still remains ahead of them […]

The Real Mets

During the early part of 2022 the Mets were deadly in the clutch.

They were a lot of other things too — strong defensively and gifted with solid starting pitching — but their uncanny ability to collect big hits with games on the line felt like their defining characteristic.

Move forward into summer, and things look a […]

Ignoring the Mets in Texas

The day after an 18-inning Gotterdammerung in Milwaukee, the Mets sent Jason Vargas to the mound and he was middle-of-the-road Vargas. He wasn’t bad, but he wasn’t good either (thanks mostly to a Christian Yelich homer that threatened to enter geosynchronous orbit) and then he was gone, with some mild hamstring bother. The Mets then […]

Firsts and Stills

No matter how many ballgames you go to, it is often mentioned, you’ll see something you haven’t seen before. Sure enough, I experienced a plethora of firsts on Tuesday night, which was by no means my first ballgame.

Let’s see what I saw that I hadn’t seen previously…

• The pat-you-down security guy hassling me about my […]

Something Wheeler This Way Comes

My preferences have little impact on determining the outcome of baseball games I sit down to watch, or maybe you’ve noticed the unbroken winning streak the Mets haven’t been on for the past five decades. Nevertheless, I decided I was going to be reasonably content with a Mets loss Wednesday night provided Zack Wheeler and […]