The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Mets vs. the Ex-Mets

The Mets, wearing blue, beat the Reds, wearing red and white, by a score of 7-4 on July 4th, and what could be better than that?

OK, both teams were wearing god-awful hats from which independence should have been declared, and the Reds continue to ruin their perfectly good uniforms with a black drop shadow that […]

Hi and Mighty Glad to See You

Hi again, Chasen Shreve — and you, too, Matt Reynolds and Johneshwy Fargas. The Mets decided to solve their lefthanded bullpen void by rewinding to 2020 and snatching up the perfectly capable Shreve, who by coming back after a season in Pittsburgh gets the chance to break free of his Silent Generation designation. May the […]

Beginnings, Endings and Things That Were Both

Welcome to A Met for All Seasons, a series in which we consider a given Met who played in a given season and…well, we’ll see.

I’ve long had a soft spot for marginal Mets, the September call-ups and emergency starters you struggle to remember by season’s end, let alone years later. Part of that is because I love the […]

Reasons for Optimism 2018

Yoenis is trying yoga.

Conforto’s hitting from a tee.

Alderson’s talking up Tebow.

Mickey leaves nobody standing around.

Ah, spring!


Matz is sharp.

A-Gon is wise.

Gsellman’s got flow.

Who knew Ramos was a hoot?

Ah, spring!


Wheeler will do whatever’s best for the team.

Flores will play wherever asked by the team.

Frazier is thrilled to be here.

It wasn’t known Trump Jr. was going to be […]

The One Where Stuff Happened

The Mets don’t lead the league in much, but they’re at least a wild-card contender in keeping us guessing, having concluded their road trip with a Rorschach record of 5-5.

That’s five to go in the They Rebounded From Getting Blitzed and Got Themselves Together on the Road So There’s Hope column (you may label this one differently, of course), […]

Something Wheeler This Way Comes

My preferences have little impact on determining the outcome of baseball games I sit down to watch, or maybe you’ve noticed the unbroken winning streak the Mets haven’t been on for the past five decades. Nevertheless, I decided I was going to be reasonably content with a Mets loss Wednesday night provided Zack Wheeler and […]

Mulligan Not Needed

There was nothing particularly memorable about the Mets’ Labor Day matinee against the Reds: Bartolo Colon was really good, Matt Reynolds had a nice day, and the Reds played terrible baseball whenever it was helpful to the Mets for them to do so. That about covers it.

But this was a game that deserves to be […]

Waiting for the Worst

It came at the end of Terry Collins‘s press conference, and might have been funny except for the fact that it wasn’t funny: the small manager with the large personality tried to exit stage left, then had a brief, unhappy colloquy with someone not shown by SNY’s cameras. Collins objected that there hadn’t been any […]

(Almost) All The Way

You know you’re having a good night when you can get picky over what kind of mammoth win you’d like your team to post. For those of us who remained to the bottom of the ninth inning at Citi Field Wednesday night of an obviously settled affair — and why would you leave when your […]

Tag Him Again, Brewers

The eleventh inning was rolling around
The opposing offenses were making no sound
Boyer the Brewer was manning the mound

Blaine looked to the plate
As the hour grew late
Asdrubal Cabrera was the hitter he found

Cabrera commenced
To single to right
To all, perhaps
An Asdrubal good night?

Flores was the Met
Seen teeing off next
A double to left
Thus entered the text

Cabrera wasn’t swift […]