The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Mood-Matching Outfits

Good call Friday night wearing the reimagined (apparently during a bout of gloom) black jerseys in which the Mets wordmark, the player name and the numbers on the front and back sink forlornly into the fabric as if they followed Carole King’s example of staying in bed all morning just to pass the time. The […]

Picnic in the Park

What do you suppose those 11 Mets and 13 Dodgers who were left on base Saturday did to amuse themselves while a baseball game was proceeding to nifty conclusion without them? Given what a beautiful day it appeared to be in Chavez Ravine, my guess is they broke out the wicker baskets and treated themselves […]

Meet The Deans

I got a huge kick out of leafing through the 1967 Mets Yearbook years after it was published and finding that even then Ed Kranepool, a mere 24 yet the only Met left from the Mets’ first year of 1962, was referred to as “The Dean” of the Mets in terms of continuous service with […]

Hi and Mighty Glad to See You

Hi again, Chasen Shreve — and you, too, Matt Reynolds and Johneshwy Fargas. The Mets decided to solve their lefthanded bullpen void by rewinding to 2020 and snatching up the perfectly capable Shreve, who by coming back after a season in Pittsburgh gets the chance to break free of his Silent Generation designation. May the […]

Holding Out for a Hawkeye

Never mind the cliché about a team beset by injuries resembling a M*A*S*H unit. The Mets of the moment — with 16 players on their injured list — are closer to a M*A*S*H episode. A specific M*A*S*H episode in my mind, the one titled “Carry On, Hawkeye,” from the second season of the series. In […]

Just Go-Go With It

The Mets are 4-0 in the last four; were 0-5 in their previous five; and were 3-0 in the three before that. I’d say they’re streaky, but that doesn’t seem to cover a team that expertly wavers between exhilarating and exasperating. Are the Mets good enough to […]

The 25-Thought Roster

1. Welcome aboard the first active roster of 2019 to the eight Mets who have never been Mets before: Robinson Cano, Edwin Diaz, Wilson Ramos, Keon Broxton, J.D. Davis, Justin Wilson, Luis Avilan and Pete Alonso. We like each of you now because you’re Mets. Someday we’ll […]

The Mets Have a Pronouncement to Make

Now — and again — pitching and batting ninth for the New York Mets, Number Twenty-Seven…


There haven’t been too many Mets whose first name gets pronounced with such diversity, but however […]

The New Old Mets

The deal came together with startling speed – in far less time than even one of today’s foot-on-the-accelerator news cycles, Jose Bautista went from possible New York Mets target to likely signee to announced acquisition to standing on the field wearing No. 11.

No day or two to get his affairs in order, no needing to […]

Back With a Vargas

For the diehard Mets fan who pined away through 1,725 regular-season games awaiting the return of Jason Vargas — and there’s bound to be one of you out there somewhere — congratulations. You got exactly what you were missing.

On July 3, […]