The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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In the Middling Years

We have reached the third installment of MY FAVORITE SEASONS, FROM LEAST FAVORITE TO MOST FAVORITE, 1969-PRESENT. I can’t swear it’s the middle installment, but below you’ll find the middle portion of the list: the seasons just before the median (Nos. 33-29); the median season (No. 28); and the seasons just beyond the median (Nos. […]

Not As Dead As We Were

You score 15 runs, what do you get? Enough peace of mind to carry you through an off day, I hope.

The New York Mets, who entered Wednesday tied for first place in the National League East, exited Wednesday a half-game ahead of their closest competition. Not bad for a team declared deceased by a vocal […]

Javy Day

The Mets went out at the trade deadline and did something about the hole they considered perilous in their middle infield, acquiring somebody with both a stellar defensive background and a world championship pedigree, a player with a fairly unique offensive profile. He has only a couple of months left on his existing contract, so […]

Long Ago Tomorrow

With so many roster transactions involving current Mets — including three more planned tonight to facilitate the deinjuring of a trio of heretofore injured Mets — we can be forgiven for not having taken note of every up and down involving former Mets. Yet we can’t let this AL Central subtraction from April 28 get […]

Remember the Maine (and the Santana)

When the Mets don’t play, the Mets don’t get eliminated. We may have found the 2020 formula for relative success.

On Friday night, the Mets were rained out in Washington. As the evening went along, the palest of suns shone on their fortunes. Philadelphia lost. San Francisco lost, despite the best efforts of heretofore lovable scamp […]

7 Days

Welcome to A Met for All Seasons, a series in which we consider a given Met who played in a given season and…well, we’ll see.

One must wait until the evening
To see how splendid the day has been

In the film Defending Your Life, Albert Brooks stars as Daniel Miller, a Californian who dies in a car […]

Just Go-Go With It

The Mets are 4-0 in the last four; were 0-5 in their previous five; and were 3-0 in the three before that. I’d say they’re streaky, but that doesn’t seem to cover a team that expertly wavers between exhilarating and exasperating. Are the Mets good enough to […]

Year of the Stewed Goat

Welcome to FAFIF Turns Ten, a milestone-anniversary series in which we consider anew some of the topics that have defined Mets baseball during our first decade of blogging. In this installment, we attempt to give our era’s most notorious season a Web redemption of sorts.

It’s not that nothing went wrong
Some angry moments, of course
But just […]

Don't Sleep On The Royals

Directing 14/15ths of my baseball attention to 1/15th of the National League as I do, I can’t say I’m any kind of authority on what transpires in DH land. But I hear things. I heard, for instance, that the Oakland A’s were putting the finishing touches on a surefire run to the World Series when […]

54 Over, 80 Under & All Stops in Between

Some won-lost records just jump out at me. For example, the Mets losing Sunday and falling to 20-23 sparked my recognition that the Mets hit that very same mark 24 years earlier. In 1990, losing and falling to 20-23 presented a platform for firing the most successful manager in franchise history.

After guiding the Mets to […]