The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Chasing Something

When the Mets are behind, Keith Raad likes to convey the score to those of us listening on the radio or some radio-adjacent audio product by informing us that they’re chasing whatever the deficit is.

It’s a perfectly fine way to go about one’s business, and Raad has been a good addition to the narrator ranks. […]

Things to Celebrate

Francisco Alvarez connecting for a long home run. Ronny Mauricio driving in a run and making some nifty plays afield. Mark Vientos tripling. Brett Baty driving in runs and ending the game with a highlight-reel play.

There was a lot to like from the anticipated future of the Mets on Tuesday night: They beat the Nats […]

Ohtani's Choice

The Mets lost, which is once again what they do: Carlos Carrasco was awful again and at this point one has to conclude he’s hurt, done or both; the bullpen was superb but it didn’t matter, as the offense didn’t hit enough or hit when it would have been useful.

The dregs of the game brought […]

Little Pleasures, Little Victories

Imagine being Sam Coonrod.

You go to spring training with a loaded team being talked up as bound for the World Series. You’re being talked up as a prospective member of said team’s bullpen. It’s got to be exciting.

But you don’t get out of March before being felled by a strained lat. The team goes north […]

The Bar Mitzvah Game’s Bar Mitzvah

Some are like summer
Coming back every year
Got your baby
Got your blanket
Got your bucket of beer
I break into a grin
From ear to ear
And suddenly
It’s perfectly clear
That’s why I’m here
—James Taylor

The 2023 Mets have assured themselves they will not be the statistical equal of the 2022 Mets, having notched their 62nd loss Tuesday night the season after […]

The Longest Third

Every season includes mathematical milestones that take me by surprise when I look up and notice them. Has this much of the season already flown by? It usually starts at the 16-game mark. We’re barely two weeks removed from Opening Day and, bam, 10% of the season has disappeared. We do this only fifteen more […]

Adventures on the Bell Curve

So now we know how Max Scherzer‘s conversation with the brass went — it turned out to be an exit interview, as Scherzer is on his way to the Rangers (along with $35.5 million through next year) in return for Luisangel Acuna, whom you probably didn’t know is the younger brother of Ronald Acuna Jr. […]

How Do I Get to Be a Midseason Acquisition?

The Earth keeps going around the sun; the Mets keep going in circles.

On Sunday night they dropped the rubber game of their series with the Red Sox in numbingly familiar fashion: no hitting, bad pitching, bad defense. To which we might add that they looked torpid and useless, trudging around morosely while being dismantled by […]

That’s Powerful Stuff

When your opponent puts double digits in the run column and you win, anyway…

When you record a final score in your favor that you haven’t posted since the final months of the previous century…

When the prohibitive favorite to lead your team in his signature category for a record-tying fifth consecutive season might be compelled to […]

Mystery Mets

Who are these guys and what have they done with the 2023 Mets?

Actually, don’t answer that, because who cares? And don’t look for them, because this is fine.

Unlike Wednesday’s heroic, up-off-the-mat victory, there wasn’t a lot of sweat expended Thursday in urging the Mets across the finish line. The game was essentially over in the […]