The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Welcome, THB Class of 2024!

Oh, it was a fun year. Such a fun year! The fuel light came on and the engine quit a little ways short of the Promised Land, but what a joyride until then! We got 34 new Mets, five of them making their MLB debuts. Some look like pieces of the future, others remind us […]

Medical Miracle Breakthrough?

The following is an excerpt from an article slated to be published in a forthcoming edition of The Metropolitan Journal of Sports Medicine, detailing critical work in the field of preservation of pitchers’ health.

The veritable plague of pitching-related injuries and subsequent Tommy John surgeries encountered a most serious challenge as the result of advances put […]

A Good Nap Spoiled

I loved watching the great victory today, a shutout for our side, with New York coming through toward the end. I am referring, of course, to my annual viewing of 1776, a film I still find worth watching every Fourth of July, my custom since 1991 and something I hope to do as long as […]

Not This Good...Or Are They?

They’re probably not this good, are they? How could they be? Fifteen wins in nineteen games seems to give us all the answer we need, a stretch that’s unfurled since their last pairing of consecutive losses, not to mention the active streak of three victories during which the most recent ascension or explosion feels it […]

Going Through Customs

Welcome to the United Kingdom. Before you enter the country, you must fill out this customs form.

NAME: New York Mets

OCCUPATION: Major League Baseball Team


REASON FOR VISIT: Baseball Games (2)

(please answer in detail)

• We declare we have swept our three most recent baseball games, from the […]

Paralleled Joy

John Olerud was at Citi Field for the Mets game on the fourth Sunday in May, just as he was at Shea Stadium for the Mets game on the fourth Sunday in May a quarter-century before…though “just as” might be a stretch. In 2024, Olerud was a visitor, sitting in the stands, brought to the […]

Chasing Something

When the Mets are behind, Keith Raad likes to convey the score to those of us listening on the radio or some radio-adjacent audio product by informing us that they’re chasing whatever the deficit is.

It’s a perfectly fine way to go about one’s business, and Raad has been a good addition to the narrator ranks. […]

A Not So Fine Mess

Jose Quintana reported for work without any of the essentials, got bombed, and the Mets fought back gallantly but it wasn’t enough, the end.

That would suffice for a bite-sized recap, I suppose — this felt like one of the 50 or 60 or however many it is games that you’re guaranteed to lose, with the […]

Winlike Symptoms

Francisco Lindor didn’t start Thursday afternoon’s game, much as he didn’t finish Wednesday night’s. He was said to be suffering from flulike symptoms. As someone who’s been enduring some of those myself, I can relate. I don’t have a Joey Wendle standing by to fill in for me, however. Wendle was an All-Star as recently […]

Deliver Me, Oh Lord, From These Feckless Nibblers

Adrian Houser seems like a decent sort. And he pitched cromulently enough for the Brewers last year: eight wins, a 4.12 ERA, a 3.99 FIP that suggested he’d earned his more conventional numbers.

Yet he’s the first 2024 Met I can’t stand.

Houser’s been horrible, which he admitted after the latest debacle on Saturday, calling his pitching […]