The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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A Long Walk

With the Mets batting because they had to in the eighth inning of Thursday night’s game, I got out of my seat at Citi Field and took a walk.

The immediate reason was straightforward, but there were other reasons, too. My feet were cold. My legs were stiff. I was upset. And I knew that for […]

Three Times Yes

Eight pitches.

They were the first sign that Monday afternoon’s Game 2 might go better than Sunday’s steamrolling. Happily, they weren’t the last.

Leading off against Ryan Brasier, the first man in a parade of Dodger relievers, Francisco Lindor worked a 2-1 count, then fouled off four sliders and fastballs. Brasier, possibly a little frustrated to see […]

All Good Things Come to an End

Baseball: So Betts, Ohtani and Freeman reached base 12 times in Saturday’s Mets-Dodgers game.
Me: OMG, did we lose by like two touchdowns? What poor position player threw the last two innings?
Baseball: Oh, the Mets won, 6-4.
Me: Huh?
Baseball: [shrugs]

— Jason Fry ( Apr 20, 2024 at 11:46 PM

Like I said, that was Saturday.

On Sunday, the […]

Tick Tick Tick ... Boom

By one measure, Justin Verlander looked pretty good after facing 16 Dodgers on Friday night at Citi Field to kick off the second half of the 2023 season: He hadn’t allowed a hit, keeping the Mets even in a 0-0 pitchers’ duel with Julio Urias.

And if that’s the extent of what you saw, well, maybe […]

That Was Fun

So said Buck Showalter, engaging the media after the Mets’ 2-1 win over the Dodgers, and as usual Buck was right.

It was fun, wasn’t it? Fun with a side of heart-stopping terror, or at least severe spikes of anxiety, but then that’s baseball.

Fun was Jacob deGrom looking every inch the debonair assassin, carving up baseball’s […]

Have Some Medina, M’Dear

Why shouldn’t Adonis Medina have been depended upon in the clutchest of spots to deliver for the 2022 Mets? For the same reason the likes of Patrick Mazeika, Nick Plummer and Colin Holderman, to name three previously little-known quantities, shouldn’t have — no reason whatsoever.

You may have noticed no Bench Mob sobriquets or t-shirts have […]

Top of the Mess

The first two games of the much-anticipated Mets-Dodgers series showed the Mets in an unfamiliar light: They looked like a good team up against a better one, with that better team riding dominant pitching and waiting for its opponent to make a mistake, then taking full advantage.

And in the early going, Saturday night’s game looked […]