The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Just Time Doing Its Tick Tick Tick Thing

Meditations on time before and during watching Clayton Kershaw toy with various Mets:

The Dodgers are forever. I started watching baseball in earnest in 1976, when I was seven, and learned the game by memorizing the backs of baseball cards, scouring a cinderblock-sized Baseball Encyclopedia, and devouring various books checked out from the Emma S. Clark […]

Seriesously Speaking

Some things don’t change even as the calendar pages do. Back in April, emphasis placed on winning series was emphasis well-directed We have now entered September. Winning series is still a very good thing. A very good goal, too, though I wouldn’t want to get too far ahead of myself. Take every day, even the […]

Baby Hold On

Before Friday night’s absolutely useless 9-2 defeat at the hands of the Dodgers, the Mets’ record in their previous 13 games stood at 9-4. Over a span of 45 games, their mark totaled 30-15. For the season as a whole, the Mets entered Friday 76-70.

Each of the “4” in the 9-4 was presumed to have […]

Oy, the Dodgers

We may not yet know how to most accurately describe the 2019 Mets as they shift between dismal and decent, but after several hours spent witnessing some gruesome proceedings from Dodger Stadium, we are comfortable confirming the Dodgers are still quite good. They’ve got this long haul thing down […]

Not Even the Names Have Been Changed

Dom Smith pinch-hit for brand new major league pitcher Drew Smith in the ninth inning of Saturday night’s Mets loss to the Dodgers, which seemed appropriate given that you can pretty much replace one Mets game with another and not even the names changing makes a tangible difference, so why even […]

Life Stages in Los Angeles

Zack Wheeler, 27; first major league appearance, June 18, 2013
His Monday night numbers of note: 2 IP, 7 ER, 8 H
What it means at this stage of his career: Nothing good, though “this stage of his career” doesn’t sync with the arithmetic that his major league debut was just over four years ago. We know […]

The Tiger or the Other Tiger?

It’s an ancient baseball conundrum.

No, not “are sacrifice bunts mostly dumb or mostly super-dumb?” And not “is something wrong if you’re giving that many ABs to Eric Campbell?” I mean something even tougher to contemplate and more scarring to one’s inner fan: “would you rather lose meekly, or come back and then lose hideously?”

It was […]

Same Old & Some New Stories

Clayton Kershaw shutting down the Mets on almost no hits…where have we seen that before? Almost everywhere we’ve run into him, it seems, save for one buoyant October night, which attests to fine Met timing, and even then we barely touched his fresh-made turkey on nine-grain wheat with jalapeños, mustard and a little bit of […]

Sometimes It's Simple

Baseball is a game played nine to a side, with wheeling motion and shifting fielding assignments and set plays and so much else. But each play starts not with nine people doing multiple things, but with one person doing one thing: The pitcher takes the ball and throws it in the direction of home plate.

When […]

Full of Cake, Want Icing

A while back I declared that we’d already won, and anything else that came our way would be lagniappe — games stolen from wintertime. That wasn’t an attempted reverse jinx (though I’m far from above such things) — I meant it. The postseason’s a crapshoot but gets all the attention; the regular season’s the prize, but the […]