The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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No News is Unusual News

On Monday of last week, the Mets signed at top dollar a pitcher on track to land in the Hall of Fame, a pitcher still at the top of his game, a pitcher at the top of the game overall. It made us mostly forget that our best pitcher from the previous nine seasons, our […]

Seriesously Speaking

Some things don’t change even as the calendar pages do. Back in April, emphasis placed on winning series was emphasis well-directed We have now entered September. Winning series is still a very good thing. A very good goal, too, though I wouldn’t want to get too far ahead of myself. Take every day, even the […]

The Damnedest of Things

Most of the time you don’t know. Sometimes you know just enough. Sunday I didn’t definitively know if the Mets were dead and buried at 4-0 after one; were alive and well at 4-4 in the middle of the fourth; had dirt kicked on them at 7-4 at the end of four; had sprung back […]

The Mets-Phillies Takeout Special

OK, lemme see if I got all this. You want the pair of Slugger Milestones — the 100th RBI and the 30th homer, wrap them separately. Yeah, those’ll stay cold. They’re Polar.

You want the Speedy Duo with the Double Steal, the back half being the steal of home. You got it. We keep that on […]

So Quiet, So Loud

The sound of one hand clapping makes about as much noise as a batter facing Jacob deGrom. Yet at Citi Field when Jacob deGrom pitches, all the hands clap and the noise overwhelms. Not as much as Jake overwhelms. Little can outdo deGrom in that regard.

We bring the sound. Jake brings the fury. The Phillies, […]

A Baseball Day Well Spent

So far — which, I’ll admit right off the bat, is a necessary qualifier — this is one of the stranger successful Met seasons I can remember.

After sweeping a split doubleheader from the Braves — no burying the lead in this recap — the Mets are 30 games over .500 for the first time since […]

Frustration Train

After the Mets rose up in indignation to snatch a win away from the Cardinals, I said it was the kind of unlikely comeback that would keep me on my couch for umpteen nights when no such good fortune was coming out way.

Nights like Monday, in other words.

How many things do you want to stew […]

A Banquet and Then a Food Fight

Pitchers’ duels are one of the earliest tests of budding baseball fandom — dull to the casual observer who wants action and doesn’t get why those around him are oohing and aahing over hitters swinging and missing or just looking flustered at balls zipping from hurlers’ hands to places they weren’t expected to wind up. […]

Who's a Bohm?

“Hit it to Alec Bohm” shaped us as the winning formula in Philadelphia Monday night. The Mets kept beleaguering the Phillies’ third baseman, grounding balls in his direction; compelling him to pick them up; and forcing him to do something with them. Errant throws ensued in such volume that he was henceforth to be known […]

Welcome, THB Class of 2021!

Great, there will actually be a season! Which means we have business to attend to — extending a slightly overdue welcome to 2021’s matriculating Mets, who are now in The Holy Books!

(Background: I have three binders, long ago dubbed The Holy Books by Greg, that contain a baseball card for every Met on the all-time […]