The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Interleague Kvetching Like It Oughta Be

During Saturday afternoon’s telecast, Ron Darling recalled a moment of frustration from early in his career when he was so fed up with receiving no-decisions for his pitching efforts that he said he’d rather take a loss than another ND. Older and wiser (and by way of slapping the Mariners’ George Kirby on the wrist […]

The Longest Third

Every season includes mathematical milestones that take me by surprise when I look up and notice them. Has this much of the season already flown by? It usually starts at the 16-game mark. We’re barely two weeks removed from Opening Day and, bam, 10% of the season has disappeared. We do this only fifteen more […]

Most Valuable Angles

In the spirit of the Baseball Writers Association of America members with whom I rubbed or at least grazed elbows Friday night, I humbly submit my ballot for Most Valuable Angle from the 10-9 ten-inning Mets win over the Guardians.

This first-place vote may seem like the height […]

17 Walks of Memory and Renewal

A walker can examine our past and present up close and come to some hazy conclusion over where we might be heading, not unlike Alexis de Tocqueville and Charles Dickens and so many others did when wandering similar byways during another uneasy patch of our history.
—Neil King, Jr.

If you took every 90 feet worth of […]

Reborn on the Third of July

Jacob deGrom pitched to six minor league batters on Sunday night. Five of them turned into smoldering holes in the dirt adjacent to home plate. I didn’t notice what became of the sixth. As far as we can tell, nobody was actually harmed, neither the young Jupiter Hammerheads whose future still remains ahead of them […]

Nobody Sits, Nobody Hits

The most delightful aspect of the 2021 Mets to date that hasn’t involved Jacob deGrom pitching and hitting has been the emergence of the self-anointed Bench Mob, the aggregation of heretofore part-timers who’ve produced plentifully when called on, which has also plentifully. Riding to our injury-riddled rescue in the grand tradition of Bambi’s Bandits, Hondo’s […]

We’re Rubber, Not Glue

What was it Philippé Wynne was advising all over the radio in the autumn of 1976? Hey y’all, prepare yourself for the rubber game…win. Was that the lyric? Ah, close enough for rhythm & blues. However they heard it sung, the Mets apparently took a 43-year-old clue from the Spinners’ featured […]

What a Beautiful World This Will Be

They used to say you should never trust what you see in September when it comes to young players and clubs just playing out the string, but that wisdom was turned on its head late in the 2010s, when the also-ran New York Mets used an uncommonly […]

Skewed Ideals

Little is more ideal than a midweek afternoon game, a pitchers’ duel unfolding in the sun and the whole affair playing out quickly enough to not bog anybody down in the worst of a rush hour commute. Of course baseball’s ideals take a pounding when left in […]

The Rainy Season

The deluge prior to Tuesday night’s game between the Mets and their infrequent visitors from the north rattled trees and plans. The deluge during the affair, on the other hand, was an offensive blessing. Runs rained down on Citi Field, almost all of them in the bottoms […]