The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Originality Still Counts for Something

The Chicago White Sox ended their 21-game losing streak Tuesday night, preventing them from owning outright the worst skid in American League history and momentarily pausing their pursuit of hallowed infamy that for 62 years has belonged to us. But as players and managers usually say following a loss rather than a win, it was […]

Christmas in June

In the sixty-eighth game of the season, our Metsies gave to us…

Sixty-Five Minutes of Waiting: The forecast in Queens promised downpours Friday night, and the downpours were indeed delivered. The only ones that delayed play came before the first pitch, which follows a 2024 pattern. Five times this year the Mets have played ball after […]

The Immaculate Day

I wish I had brought some string with me. An enormous spool of string. Had I, I could have offered some to each player I saw in the Shannon Forde Press Conference Room Sunday morning and asked him to align himself just so in order to form the most Amazin’ live-action Immaculate Grid you could […]

Amazin’ Delays 2023

I’ve never felt more like Jack Buck after returning home from a ballgame, for “I don’t believe that I don’t know what I just saw!”

Did I see the Mets play the Marlins? Pretty sure I did. That was important to me, as, entering Thursday, I had not seen the Mets play the Marlins in person […]

Ajar Is As Far As Where We Are

I packed an asterisk and a caveat as I set out for my 27th consecutive Closing Day. Unlike water bottles whose caps aren’t fully sealed, security waved them right through.

A rain delay nudged Closing Day into Closing Night. Closing Night closed only so much. The door to Citi Field and the Mets’ ultimate 2022 fortunes […]

One For The Money

This Tuesday night in August was going to be part makeup game, part resumption. The makeup portion was for 2020 when the Princes and the Chasins (that’s me and Stephanie, Ryder and his dad Rob) did not get out to Citi Field because nobody was getting out to Citi Field on any night in any […]

Dave Roberts Calling

“Hello, may I speak to Luis Rojas please?”
“This is Luis.”
“Luis, my name is Dave Roberts, manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers.”
“Hi, Dave. No need to be so formal. I know who you are.”
“I wasn’t sure, seeing as how our teams have never played one another while we’ve each been in our present positions.”
“Dave, I was […]

A Game That Needed a Noah

A long time ago, it looked like Noah Syndergaard was on his way to a perfect game.

That wasn’t 40 days and 40 nights ago — that’s the story of another Noah — but by the end of this deluged and drowned evening, with its two rain delays, it sure felt like it had been that […]

Relentlessly It Ends

The baseball season ended Sunday, you might have noticed. Maybe you didn’t if you’re one of those people who insists you stopped watching the Mets by June, a good month to have looked away, I suppose. I never stopped looking, never stopped noticing, never stopped doing all […]

Let's Play One

The Mets and Marlins were supposed to play two baseball games starting at 4:10 pm, but at 4:10 pm it was raining.

Not particularly hard — you could almost call it Corey Oswalt weather — but hard enough. It stayed that way through 5:10 pm, through 6:10 pm, through the time the Mets would have played […]