The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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All About Momentum

Baseball is always about momentum.

On Thursday night the Mets emerged from a terrifying game with the Phillies as the owners of a hard-fought win. It’s the kind of game that pulls teams together, that gives them a certain sense of purpose when they head for the next battleground, newly confident that they can, in fact, […]

Indifferent Karma, False Hope, Few Expectations

Someday in the future, a precocious Amapola Chloe Lindor might look at her birthday, consider her father’s occupation, and ask, “Daddy, what did you to in the first game you started after I was born?” And her dad Francisco will be able to rightly tell her, “I hit a home run for you. What made […]

Simply Marvelous

“Don’t bother, Mickey,” I wanted to tell the beleaguered manager of the New York Mets after his club dropped and I do mean dropped its second consecutive extra-inning game, this one on a patently unbelievable albeit hauntingly familiar defensive misplay, “we didn’t touch home plate, either.”

One sometimes forgets when the bullpen falters or the left […]

Can’t Any Bunny Here Play This Game?

Fine with me if you dug into a basketful of chocolate bunnies, creme eggs and jelly beans on Sunday. Or macaroons, mandel cuts and leftover sponge cake. Whatever kind of peep you fancy yourself, I do hope you didn’t confine yourself to only sweets and treats. No […]

That Takes the Cake

Saturday night, I was informed relatively late in the evening, would have been Marv Throneberry’s 84th birthday. If I had known earlier, I’d have baked a cake in his honor and then dropped a piece in his memory. Instead, I watched the Mets drop the back end of a day-night doubleheader to the Astros after […]

Meaning and Games in September

I can’t take me anywhere. I can, but I can’t depend on me to respond as social norms suggest I should.

I took myself to Citi Field Tuesday night at the invitation of a friend. The ostensible lure was the manifestation of that old Wilponian chestnut, Meaningful Games In September, MGIS for short (mishegas for our […]

Happy Birthday, Jake!

Marv Throneberry, legend has it, was once crestfallen to discover that his birthday cake had been devoured by his Mets teammates before he got a piece — to which Casey Stengel cracked that “we wuz gonna give you a piece, Marv, but we wuz afraid you would drop it.”

I don’t know if the Mets got Jacob deGrom a cake for […]

Letter to Dana

Among the many Mets bloggers carrying on for the one who couldn’t make it to Hofstra were Steve Keane, John Coppinger, Taryn Cooper and yours truly. (Photo courtesy of Jason Bornstein.)

Dear Dana,

I either have to thank you or blame you for directing me to file my overdue report on the Hofstra Mets 50th […]

A Lifetime and the Aftermath

It’s a Sunday afternoon in September 1996. I’m at Shea Stadium with my best friend Chuck, diehard Met sympathizer, but better described as a bandwagon rider in terms of his actual Met fandom. Yet in September 1996, there is no bandwagon. There’s just me guilting him into joining me for a game against the Braves. […]

Suites, Symmetry & Shared Vocabulary

The Mets throw all sorts of obscure statistics on their scoreboard in the hours before a game starts, including how they’re doing at home on a given day of the week. For example, before the Mets opened against the Rockies, word was posted that the Mets were 9-0 this year on Tuesday nights at Citi […]