The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Something's Fishy Here

May Fish tank at Citi tonight.

The newly Miami’d and unfortunately Jose’d Marlins come to Citi Field tonight, but at least a few Mets fans have already inspected new Marlins Park, and at least one has done it in style. FAFIF reader and Team McGraw runner Sharon Chapman (pictured with son Ross) shows off […]

The Tug of the Run

The Mets may be out of the pennant race, but one Mets fan continues on a great run.

Our friend Sharon Chapman, who has raced many miles and raised many dollars for the Tug McGraw Foundation, wanted to let her fellow Metophiles know she is captaining Team McGraw’s crew as they take on the Rock ‘n’ […]

Phinishing in Philly

Philadelphia occasionally hosts nice sporting events.

Somewhere between Halladay vs. Niese and Lee vs. Young, the Mets-Phillies pitching dynamic from last weekend was all Tug, as in Team McGraw member and Faith and Fear reader Sharon Chapman finishing her latest race, the Broad Street Run, while sporting the FAFIF wristband. Sharon has run at […]

I Need to Spend More Time in Bars

I’m going to the tavern, Johnny. If there’s anything I can do for y’there, let me know.
—Stephen Hopkins, Delegate to the Continental Congress from Rhode Island (1776)

Guy walks into a bar. Says, “give me something special — something you don’t usually have.” Bartender says, “how about a Mets win?” Guy says, “you give me that, […]

Tug Could Really Use That Beer

Reminder to anybody attending tonight’s game between the Mets and the Astros: Stop by McFadden’s Citi Field between 6 and 7 and come say “hi” to noted marathon runner/fundraiser Sharon Chapman and me and, if you can, please make a donation to the Tug McGraw Foundation. We’ll be there to raise funds for a great […]

Buy Tug a Beer

Some of you nice Faith and Fear readers occasionally make the gracious comment that you’d like to buy us a beer the next time you see us at Citi Field. Well, we’re ready to take you up on your generous offer, but we don’t want a beer from you, per se. We don’t even want […]

Great Day to Run Irish

Sharon Chapman took the FAFIF wristband to the Top of the Rock (by stairs!) in February.

March 17 seems like an ideal day to recall Met reliever extraordinaire Tug McGraw, who was known to enjoy every day like it was St. Patrick’s Day. Our friend Sharon Chapman has done a phenomenal job […]

We Have a Winner!

Band on the run…or at the end of it. Sharon's right wrist and the rest of her savors the NYC Marathon finish line.

Six hours, twelve minutes, twenty seconds. Six-thousand two-hundred forty-one dollars. Obviously you recognize those figures as how long it takes the Yankees and Red Sox to play seven innings and how […]

Now, a Sprint to the Marathon

Sharon bands together with FAFIF and Team McGraw.

Frank Edwin “Tug” McGraw
Pitcher 1965-1967, 1969-1974

The free-spirited closer whose catchphrase “Ya Gotta Believe” became the rallying cry for the Mets run to the 1973 World Series … The left hander saved 25 games and was an emotional leader in the clubhouse as the […]

It Was Benny Years Ago Today

There are three postseason games scheduled this October 7. By definition, they are all lacking a certain something. What is it? Oh right — us.

Once upon a time the Mets played postseason games on October 7. Once upon three times, actually…or thrice upon a time. However you measure it, let us recall the three best […]