The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Weekend Spa Treatment

Without knowing what they paid, I’d say the Mets got an excellent rate on their weekend spa treatment. They’ve rarely entered a Monday appearing more relaxed and ready to face whatever awaits them. In this case, it’s a playoff chase in September.

The 2024 White Sox will make anybody look and feel fantastic. The 2024 White […]

To Everything a Series

When last we were being clever about Metropolitan math, right around the beginning of this month, the Mets had just taken two out of three from the Dodgers, constituting their 30th series win of the season against 8 series losses and 3 series ties. Up ahead on the schedule were cushions, marshmallows and Milwaukee. Competition […]

Have You Seen This Team?

MISSING: Sole proprietorship of first place in the National League East.

AGE: Approximately 5 months.

ANSWERS TO: Let’s Go Mets, LFGM or “Not Again”.

LAST SEEN: Leaving PNC Park following a third consecutive barely competitive loss to a last-place team.

RECOGNIZABLE MARKINGS: World-class starting pitching, unrelenting middle-of-the-order production, indestructible right fielder, preternatural ability to quash lesser opponents.


All Caught Up

Wayne Randazzo wasn’t wrong Tuesday when he outlined ways baseball could speed up its action. Specifically, he preached adoption of a pitch clock like that used in the minors to get games moving faster and, ultimately, over faster. But his partner du jour, Lee Mazzilli, wasn’t wrong, either, when he asked Wayne in apparent sincerity, […]

Not Yet Altogether Abysmal

The Mets have guaranteed they won’t win 90 games in 2021. They’ve guaranteed it quite a bit by their play in the second half, but they clinched not reaching a win total generally associated with playoff participation on Monday night by losing at Citi Field to the Cardinals, 7-0, and nailing down their 73rd loss. […]

Standing in the Shadows of 2019

The Mets shuffled off from Buffalo with one more loss than win for their weekend’s work and three fewer games remaining on their truncated schedule, thereby humbling their already modest postseason chances. Not that they were much to begin with, but sooner or later, you can take only so much comfort from relative proximity to […]

The ’05 Model

Congratulations, fellow Mets fans, we did it. We made it to September and we still have standings to pore over (don’t “pour” over them; they’ll just get wet). On Sunday morning, September 1, the 2019 Mets are four games removed from a playoff spot with four weeks to go in the regular season. It’s four […]

Rockabye Sweet Baby Jake

Like Red on the bus to Fort Hancock, Tex., in The Shawshank Redemption, I found I was so excited at Citi Field as the Mets game wore on Wednesday night, I could barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it was the excitement […]

What a Beautiful World This Will Be

They used to say you should never trust what you see in September when it comes to young players and clubs just playing out the string, but that wisdom was turned on its head late in the 2010s, when the also-ran New York Mets used an uncommonly […]