The blog for Mets fans
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Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.
Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.
Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.
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by Greg Prince on 5 May 2024 1:31 am
A dozen or so decades ago, the toast of New York National League baseball was a teetotaler projecting such a wholesome image, he was occasionally referred to in the press as the Christian Gentleman, though more readily as Matty or perhaps Big Six. Mostly, he was recognized as the indisputable ace of the Giants. His […]
by Greg Prince on 5 December 2022 4:00 pm
What I have in common with Baseball Hall of Famer Gil Hodges I could count on very few fingers, but it delights me that one of them is a ring finger. Gil earned three World Series rings, two as a player in 1955 and 1959, one as a manager in 1969. I was presented with […]
by Greg Prince on 19 November 2021 6:50 pm
It took Lily Tomlin’s character Debbie Fiderer two tries to win the favor of President Bartlet when she interviewed for the executive secretary position on The West Wing, though there was a good excuse for missing on the first try (“I was high”) and, honestly, Fiderer wasn’t really about winning anybody’s favor.
“All right,” Martin Sheen […]
by Greg Prince on 17 August 2021 3:51 pm
“A long flight across the night? You know why late flights are good? Because we cease to be earthbound and burdened with practicality. Ask the important question. Talk about the idea nobody has thought about yet. Put it in a different way.”
That was Jed Bartlet aboard Air Force One, somewhere over America, sometime late at […]
by Greg Prince on 14 September 2020 8:08 am
The Mets shuffled off from Buffalo with one more loss than win for their weekend’s work and three fewer games remaining on their truncated schedule, thereby humbling their already modest postseason chances. Not that they were much to begin with, but sooner or later, you can take only so much comfort from relative proximity to […]
by Greg Prince on 20 July 2020 6:03 pm
After sampling slices of the most depressing pair of Mayor’s Trophy Games ever presented, I’ve turned from being cautiously anticipant of the 2020 season back toward my previous state of “baseball amid all of this — they can’t be serious.” That there were no fans at Citi Field on Saturday or at the other local […]
by Greg Prince on 23 January 2020 3:01 am
“I promoted from within. Promoting from within is very big in my family.”
—C.J. Cregg, The West Wing
Once upon a time, some team that wasn’t the Mets did something that got the commissioner’s attention, and ultimately the Mets benefited. Maybe it’s déjà vu all over again 54 years later.
Summoning the greatest fortune-laden precedent in Mets lore […]
by Greg Prince on 30 September 2019 5:21 am
Someone to hold you too close
Someone to hurt you too deep
Someone to sit in your chair
To ruin your sleep
To make you aware
Of being alive
It was visceral in a way not much of Mets baseball is for me after 50 years of rooting for the Mets and 15 years of writing of the Mets. I think […]
by Greg Prince on 6 August 2019 11:23 am
“At 10:13 P.M., it became officially official. The Cubs had lost, 6-2. Even if the Mets lost the second game, they would still be first. Millennium, we are here. But the Mets were no longer in a mood to lose anything.”
—Leonard Koppett, on the Mets taking first place as they swept a doubleheader from the […]
by Greg Prince on 5 December 2018 5:35 pm
It occurs to me that I haven’t been exceedingly happy when greeted by offseason news of a fresh Mets acquisition (meaning a Met who hadn’t declared free agency sticking around, basically meaning Yoenis Cespedes twice) since the trade for Johan Santana nearly eleven years ago. He was Johan Santana, […]