The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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It Became Their Year

As September morphed into October in 2000, I had a revelation that I’ve revisited annually. We Mets fans were very high on the Mets as the playoffs approached. I heard over and over again from my fellow Metsopotamians that this would be our year. I may have said it out loud myself, though I cautioned […]

The Art of Good Conversation

Perhaps someday I’ll find myself engaged in conversation with Ariel Jurado. We’ll likely talk about his baseball career; how it brought him to the Mets; and the challenges he endured, particularly that night in Baltimore in 2020 when, in the process of becoming the franchise’s 1,107th player overall and that season’s tenth Met starting pitcher […]

Inside the Park Home Run

Outside it’s cold, misty, and it’s raining. We’ve got a FanFest; who right here’s complaining? Not anybody who thinks it’s sexy that the Mets opened Citi Field on the last Saturday in January for as much baseball as they could possibly produce without benefit of a baseball game.

It was the first hopefully annual FanFest in […]

QBC’s Nice To Come Home To

The sample size is only four Saturdays, but I can definitively report that it’s always colder the morning of the Queens Baseball Convention than it was at any point in the preceding week. Sometimes it snows. Sometimes it snows a lot. It snowed so much in 2016 that there was no QBC.

That’ll happen in January. […]

Dunham Bull?

What constitutes a trend? For our purposes, let’s say it’s when two people you know relay to you, independent of one another, the same piece of information accompanied by a similar slice of curiosity.

In her upcoming memoir, Not That Kind Of Girl, the reliably trendy Lena Dunham says her gynecologist used to pitch for the […]

Can't Blame the Dads

Earlier this week, Ron Davis put his proverbial fist through the Mets’ paper-thin veil of pretending they’re happy to have Ike Davis come down to St. Lucie and compete for the first base job. Ron, who was a successful major league reliever before becoming known to a later generation as Ike’s dad, made his points […]

Letter to Dana

Among the many Mets bloggers carrying on for the one who couldn’t make it to Hofstra were Steve Keane, John Coppinger, Taryn Cooper and yours truly. (Photo courtesy of Jason Bornstein.)

Dear Dana,

I either have to thank you or blame you for directing me to file my overdue report on the Hofstra Mets 50th […]

Isaac Bashevis Swinger?

Violinist Issac Stern played great music. Writer Isaac Bashevis Singer wrote great fiction. First baseman Issac Benjamin Davis made a helluva catch on a foul popup in the first inning of Wednesday’s otherwise desultory Met loss.

All these Isaacs were blessed with a talent for doing something most people can’t. Stern was awarded the Presidential Medal […]