The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Affection in Anonymity

En route from the bottom 60% of MY FAVORITE SEASONS, FROM LEAST FAVORITE TO MOST FAVORITE, 1969-PRESENT — Nos. 55–44 here; Nos. 43–34 here; Nos. 33–23 here — to the just plain Top 20 (expressed without a percentage sign because they are, in fact, Nos. 20–1), I need to make a stop in consecutive years […]

A Series Closes, A Closer Returns

If Cole Porter were still with us, I can hear him having a field day with the results of the 2022 World Series.

You’re the top
You’re the Houston Astros
You transformed
Phil bats to disasters

Whoever dug deep for the sportsmanship to declare, before the Fall Classic began, “may the best team win,” got their wish. The best team […]

It Became Their Year

As September morphed into October in 2000, I had a revelation that I’ve revisited annually. We Mets fans were very high on the Mets as the playoffs approached. I heard over and over again from my fellow Metsopotamians that this would be our year. I may have said it out loud myself, though I cautioned […]

The Whims of October

But — I said to myself — I want to get in. This is a World Series opener. I’d never seen one. There is nothing in baseball equal to it…
—Arnold Hano, A Day in the Bleachers

Maybe you’ve heard the old saying, “If you keep letting the Braves make the playoffs, sooner or later a pennant […]

A Pie in the Face

In the final World Series baseball played in the (reportedly) pre-Steve Cohen era of (potential) Metsian salvation, the pitcher who shouldn’t have been removed from the mound came out too soon; the player who had to be removed from the field came back against sound judgment; and the championship tournament appended to a season that […]

The Class of ’62 Comes Through

In the great contemporary tradition of making everything about ourselves, congratulations to the New York Mets’ expansionmates, the Houston Astros on winning their first World Series and, after fifty-six seasons, minting the Expansion Class of 1962 as the first in which everybody can bring a Commissioner’s Trophy to show and tell.

Eleven World Series have now […]

108 Chances, 1 Meeting

You could’ve used the phrase, “The Tigers will meet the Giants in the World Series” in 1908, but Fred Merkle didn’t touch second, Johnny Evers pulled some shenanigans with the first baseball handy and the powers that be got suckered into calling a Giants win over the Cubs a tie, thereby compelling a makeup game […]

’99 Faltered, But Dotel Ain’t Done

The “we” and the “us” was not at all out of line, nevertheless I found it surprising how much Octavio Dotel engaged in first-person plural pronouns when interviewed after the St. Louis Cardinals won the 2011 World Series. He hasn’t been a Cardinal much longer than he’s been most anything else in the big leagues, […]

Another Day of Life

Thanks to a fairly brutal stretch in the life of a freelance writer, I’d fallen asleep before the last out of every World Series game so far.

If I’m fated to only stay awake for one, at least I picked the right one.

If you like your baseball spine-tingling, heart-stopping and cliche-channeling, Game 6 was a game […]

This Night Won't Last Forever

The grizzled cabbie craned his neck out of the taxi window to survey the madhouse on Market Street. San Francisco’s busiest downtown boulevard, even on normal days, was teeming with thousands of jubilant Giant followers. Car horns were honking. Orange and black confetti was fluttering from the windows above. Strangers were shaking hands, then embracing. […]