The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Class of ’62 Comes Through

In the great contemporary tradition of making everything about ourselves, congratulations to the New York Mets’ expansionmates, the Houston Astros on winning their first World Series and, after fifty-six seasons, minting the Expansion Class of 1962 as the first in which everybody can bring a Commissioner’s Trophy to show and tell.

Eleven World Series have now […]

I Got Your Positivity Right Here

Can ya hear us, Pittsburgh?

After spending a slice of my Tuesday afternoon listening to Dave Hudgens complain about “negativity” and Sandy Alderson indicate he can’t spend more money on players until it is liberated from True New Yorkers’ pockets, a dispassionate consumer of Mets baseball might have been ready to devote his time […]

So Many Sideshows

Some things that don’t matter:

* Ike Davis vs. Lucas Duda. Ike’s doing a lot better in Pittsburgh. That’s great. He was a mess in New York, capable of spending months looking unsure which end of the bat was up. Ike wasn’t going to get fixed here, so I wish him the best there. Duda came […]

Oh, The Mel With It

When I turned 41
It seemed a very good year
To say I was “Seaver”

When I turned 45
It seemed a very good year
To’ve been a lifetime Believer

When I turned 47
It seemed a very good year
To be an upward glove-heaver

Today I turn 51
Is it a very good year?
Or a take-it-or-leaver?

51 they give coaches — none who’s fixed Ike
51 […]

Ripping Off the Band-Aid

All right, people. We’ve all get better things to do with what’s left of our day than complain about this listless horrible team. Start reading and we’ll rip this Band-Aid off quick as we can.

Matt Harvey: He was clearly struggling — the fastball velocity was down and the location was off, leading to very few […]

Dispatches from the Bubble

Top Mets brass has descended on Miami for the final series of the year. It’s a shame minority owner Bill Maher isn’t among the traveling party. One of Maher’s recurring features on his HBO program, Real Time, is “Dispatches From the Bubble,” wherein some politician is spotlighted asserting fact-like talking points that are pretty clearly […]

Things That Don't Slump

Good luck outguessing baseball: After kicking the ball around and losing two out of three to the Nats and then getting kicked around by the Yankees for a horrifying sweep, the Mets absolutely flattened the Tampa Bay Rays for a sweep of their own, turning an imminently horrific 1-5 road trip into a respectable 4-5 […]

Get to Know the New Hitting Coach

Dave Hudgens has been named the Mets’ new hitting coach. Here, based on precedent, is how his tenure with the Mets will go.

Early in Spring Training, Hudgens will be the subject of a half-dozen positive profiles, each of which will focus on one of the more exotic elements of his experience (say, managing in Caracas) […]