The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Model of a Modern Pitcher

Welcome to A Met for All Seasons, a series in which we consider a given Met who played in a given season and…well, we’ll see.

In the 2012 offseason, the Mets made a controversial deal, sending knuckleball artist and fan favorite R.A. Dickey to the Blue Jays for a return built around a minor-leaguer who was seen as a […]

The Coaches You Notice

You really don’t notice coaches in major league baseball until they are pointed out, which isn’t often. Maybe it’s for something benign, like they planted tomatoes in bullpen or exchange particularly sharp low-fives when batters work out walks. Maybe it’s for something pleasant, like how well his advice is being processed by a player on […]

But Don’t Quote Me

Unnamed sources report the Mets lost again Friday night. “We were all miserable,” said a fan who made anonymity a condition of speaking frankly regarding the state of the team that is limping to the finish with a 69-91 record following grand expectations for 2017.

“They suck, the whole bunch of them,” the Mets fan […]

Fulfillingness’ First Finale

The Mets won their Home Opener on Friday in what we might refer to as Methodical fashion, steadily dismantling an opponent seemingly incapable of keeping up with them across a given nine-inning period. They hit when they had to, they fielded as needed, they pitched above industry standards and they played Philadelphia. Of such ingredients, […]

Pitchers and Other Liars

Disclaimer: I love baseball and the Mets. HONEST!

Like my partner, spring training’s barely arrived and I’m already tired of it. It’s been that way for me for a while — pitchers and catchers reporting is a nice hint that spring will eventually arrive, but it’s uplifting for about five minutes until you look out the window and see Antarctica […]

On Overheards, Outsiders & Otherness

One National League East Narrative Reinforcement comin’ right up!

While the Braves were doing everything they could on Wednesday to earn their fans’ gratitude, the Mets were finding new, characteristically clumsy ways to show they’re as sorry as any organization can be.

Atlanta invested more than $14 million in Ervin Santana, the best available pitcher on the […]

Joker 1, Dark Knight 0

The Mets lost 2-1. Nobody cares. Nobody would have cared if they’d lost 130-1, or if they’d won 130-1. That’s because the Mets and all of us were staggered by today’s asteroid-hits-the-mammals news out of Citi Field.

And here’s a bit of news: I know why Matt Harvey got hurt. Look at this picture I took […]

Dispatches from the Bubble

Top Mets brass has descended on Miami for the final series of the year. It’s a shame minority owner Bill Maher isn’t among the traveling party. One of Maher’s recurring features on his HBO program, Real Time, is “Dispatches From the Bubble,” wherein some politician is spotlighted asserting fact-like talking points that are pretty clearly […]

A Busy Week in the Life of a Young Lefty

On Friday the Toronto Blue Jays made Jon Niese into their personal pinata, whacking him all over the ballpark. It was the worst start of his young career, a game that ended with Rob Johnson on the mound and doing a lot better than the guy he’d started the game catching.

Today, Niese handcuffed the Pittsburgh […]