The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Turn the Lights Back On

Care for an omen? The Mets lost their last game of the season in 1968, a home game. They then lost their first game of the season in 1969, also a home game. That particular unpromising strand of homestanding Closing Day/Opening Day synergy hadn’t transpired again until they lost, 9-1, at home last October 1 […]

Patching Things Up

“What a break,” the player said. “Wow! This is great. I can hardly believe it. Imagine going to a club like the Phillies. I feel like I’ve been born again.”

The player was Buddy Harrelson, on the occasion of his trade from the Mets in Spring Training 1978. The Mets were founded in 1962 and were […]

Shtickless Wonder

Welcome to A Met for All Seasons, a series in which we consider a given Met who played in a given season and…well, we’ll see.

Guess who’s back
Back again

When you are lacking it, few pitches are more alluring than boring old competence. Consider a few politicians who’ve seized on the idea of knowing what they were […]

Every Mets Opening Win Ranked

There is no such thing as a bad Opening Day win. More to the point, there’s no such thing as an Opening Day win that’s “worse” than any other. I guess that’s all self-evident, but there’s nothing run-of-the-mill about winning on Opening Day. There are no also-rans. Every Opening Day win is, at the moment […]

A Coat of Orange & Blue Primer

As the Long Island Rail Road was depositing me and several hundred like-minded individuals at what is still the Shea Stadium stop as far as I’m concerned late on Monday morning, I thought of all the metaphors suitable to occasions like Opening Day. A blank slate. A clean piece of paper. A coat of white […]

Fulfillingness’ First Finale

The Mets won their Home Opener on Friday in what we might refer to as Methodical fashion, steadily dismantling an opponent seemingly incapable of keeping up with them across a given nine-inning period. They hit when they had to, they fielded as needed, they pitched above industry standards and they played Philadelphia. Of such ingredients, […]

Back in the Normal Groove

Thursday afternoon, driving around and desperate for baseball to fill the inane interregnum during which an uncaring schedulemaker left the Mets far too idle, I flipped to the Yankees-Astros game. John Sterling mentioned something about Nathan Eovaldi apparently being done for the day. Rarely thinking about who’s on that team and what they do, I […]

Let's Make a Deal

I’m striking a bargain with the 2011 Mets. The arrangement is one I’m confident they can live up to. It goes like this:

You don’t have to play for anything this year, but you do have to keep playing.

I made this deal with them in the ninth inning of their dreary Home Opener loss to the […]

What a Waste of 74 Degrees says the high in Zip Code 11368 today was 74 degrees. What a waste of temperature.

I get why there’s a blank spot on the schedule between the first home game and the second home game, but nevertheless, Safety Day is a terrible way to follow up Opening Day, particularly an Opening Day as sweetly […]

Sunny Day

Every year I swear I’m done with seeing Opening Day live — it’s generally miserable weather and I’m so wired that the wisest thing is for me to work out my neuroses sitting at the computer and on the couch. But every year I hear the siren call: The Mets are back, doing their jobs […]