The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Affection in Anonymity

En route from the bottom 60% of MY FAVORITE SEASONS, FROM LEAST FAVORITE TO MOST FAVORITE, 1969-PRESENT — Nos. 55–44 here; Nos. 43–34 here; Nos. 33–23 here — to the just plain Top 20 (expressed without a percentage sign because they are, in fact, Nos. 20–1), I need to make a stop in consecutive years […]

Two Apples, Almost 700 Mets

She said she’d meet me in the bar
At the Plaza Hotel
Wear a jacket and a tie
‘What’s the occasion?’
She just smiled and she wouldn’t say why
—Long Island’s Own Billy Joel

“6:30 at apple?” landed like a fresh breeze in my inbox Monday evening, a few hours before the person who sent it appeared to all but permanently […]

Satisfaction of What’s to Come

In 2022, the Mets finally got the past right. It feels so good to rattle off the roll call of their history-acknowledging triumphs; Nancy Seaver offering her benediction at the reveal of the Tom Seaver Statue on April 15; the retirement of Keith Hernandez’s 17 on July 9; the syncing of Gil Hodges Bobblehead Night […]

The Very Idea of Rico Brogna

Starting today and slated to appear in this space every Tuesday and Friday in the weeks and months ahead is a new Faith and Fear in Flushing series: A Met for All Seasons. In it, Jason and I will consider a given Met who played in a given season and…well, we’ll see.

Here’s the background: We […]

An Unobtrusive Little Score

When you’ve heard your team won a game by the score of 2-0, you assume there was very good pitching. When you’ve heard your team won a game by the score of 9-5, you assume there was a good bit of hitting. When you’ve heard your team won a game by the score of 6-2, […]

Even The Losers

If you played for the Worst Teams Money Could Buy, plural, then chances are you ended your evenings on the short end of a lot of baseball scores. By that standard, the universe might owe Jeff McKnight a handful of high-fives.

Few Mets played as many games as McKnight did and lost a larger percentage of […]

Here Today, Here Tomorrow

The good news to come out of August 11, 2014, is that the Mets beat the Phillies, 5-3, producing all sorts of sunny sidebars in Philadelphia while doing so.

Universally beloved Jon Niese pitched seven strong; Buddy Carlyle bridged the eighth like Benjamin Franklin bridges the Delaware; Jeurys Familia, thanks to replay review, did not surrender […]

Here Comes Summer

Summer and Jacob deGrom’s first big league win each arrived in good stead on Saturday. Summer, as the artificial-lemonade commercials used to tell us, is only here a short while. DeGrom, one hopes, will stick around so long that the length of his career will rival the length of his locks. Paradoxically, time of game […]

Head of the Class

Aesthetics aside, the Mets’ extended residency in Philadelphia is going pretty well: three of four games have been captured, with one still waiting to be bagged. We’ve seen what Jonathon Niese can do for eight innings when his bullpen needs as much of a blow as he can provide it, we’ve seen how far Lucas […]

Momentary Lapse of Season

Five Mets who were never the shiniest available objects glistening in the display case of a given free agent market stopped being Mets altogether this week. Non-tendered as possible prelude to a purposeful pursuit of Curtis Granderson — or whoever can be lured for a lesser price and/or fewer years — were Justin Turner, Jeremy […]