The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Lousy Seasons, Redeeming Features

In one of those Faith and Fear traditions known only to me, I like to present a list as long as Eric Hillman’s left arm when my birthday falls on a Sunday. Since we’ve been doing FAFIF, my birthday has fallen on a Sunday twice, in 2006 and 2017. Today is the third time. I’m […]

Long Ago Tomorrow

With so many roster transactions involving current Mets — including three more planned tonight to facilitate the deinjuring of a trio of heretofore injured Mets — we can be forgiven for not having taken note of every up and down involving former Mets. Yet we can’t let this AL Central subtraction from April 28 get […]

Lost and Found

Welcome to A Met for All Seasons, a series in which we consider a given Met who played in a given season and…well, we’ll see.

By 2001 I’d been a Mets fan for a quarter-century, which seemed long enough to have things down. But that was the year that introduced a new wrinkle. The Brooklyn Cyclones had come to […]

Born Near Third Base

The old adage “if you wanna win a ballgame, you gotta be able to triple” doesn’t exist, but based on foundational Mets lore, maybe it oughta. In their first nine games of existence, the Mets totaled 68 hits. Eight were doubles, twelve were homers, the rest were singles. All of the games were losses. In […]

Here’s to the Non-Winners

I like to say that all you can reasonably ask for from your team year after year is that they give you hope. To me, that has always implied that you can hope your team will contend in earnest for a postseason berth, and to do that, your team has to win more games than […]

Omar Bagels

I keep a long list of phrases and ideas that I think might eventually come in handy in the writing of a team-specific baseball blog. Some I act on ASAP. Some I circle back to after a few weeks. Some linger unused until they’re too obscure or irrelevant to make much sense in a contemporary […]

54 Over, 80 Under & All Stops in Between

Some won-lost records just jump out at me. For example, the Mets losing Sunday and falling to 20-23 sparked my recognition that the Mets hit that very same mark 24 years earlier. In 1990, losing and falling to 20-23 presented a platform for firing the most successful manager in franchise history.

After guiding the Mets to […]

The Beltran Track

Carlos Beltran made a great catch look routine in the first game of the World Series. Then he had to leave because he hurt himself in the process. How much he can be expected to play in the remaining three to six games is a matter best left to trainers, doctors and conjecture until he […]


So that was awesome.

An 11-1 pasting of the Phillies would be awesome any time.

An 11-1 pasting of the Phillies before a huge crowd is even more awesome.

An 11-1 pasting of the Phillies to finish the halfway point of the season on pace for 88 wins is more awesome still, particularly since the Phils are in […]

The Happiest Recap: 040-042

Welcome to The Happiest Recap, a solid gold slate of New York Mets games culled from every schedule the Mets have ever played en route to this, their fiftieth year in baseball. We’ve created a dream season consisting of the “best” 40th game in any Mets season, the “best” 41st game in any Mets season, […]