The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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They're Always the New-Look Mets

All is fleeting, grasshopper. Even baseball teams. Especially baseball teams.

Mets come, Mets go. The franchise is an ever-shifting assemblage of overlapping stints in orange and blue, some lasting years, some concluded in minutes. For a fun game, construct a chain of overlapping Met teammates back to 1962 with as few links as possible; what I […]

Monsters in the Mirror

I stopped attending Subway Series games years ago because they’re like Thanksgiving dinners where every single uncle and cousin you dislike RSVPs that they’ll show up drunk and eager to talk politics. No thanks — I’ll catch these from my couch, where any woofing mookdom can be addressed as an internal affair.

That part’s predictable; the […]

Lucky Stiffs

The schedule works out well for the Mets this weekend, positioning them to take advantage of their place in the standings. They are three games out of the third Wild Card spot in the National League and they are in Pittsburgh for three games this weekend to take on the team that it turns out […]

Bad Math

Well, if you want to view the glass as an eighth full, I suppose Seth Lugo solved the Mets’ bullpen-availability problem.

A night after watching Max Scherzer do maximum damage to the Braves, the Mets turned to David Peterson, who wasn’t nearly as flashy as his ace counterpart but was pretty damn good, ping-ponging between his […]

Mistrust Never Sleeps

Tuesday night’s Mets triumph in Philadelphia may have been the least convincing 8-4 victory in the history of 8-4 victories, but the key words here are “triumph” and “victory,” both of which the Mets achieved. The win column greets them with no hesitation.

Fortunately, the Style Council is not authorized to award points within the National […]

Callaway's Calculations

If you’ve been reading us for the last two years (in which case thank you, by the way), you know that I think Mickey Callaway is a bit dim.

That said, I have sympathy for him right now. A fair amount of it, in fact.

He’s got a closer who can’t be relied on, a setup guy […]

Edwin, Jeurys and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

I put off writing the recap of Friday night’s Mets baseball — the completion of Thursday’s suspended game and Friday’s regularly scheduled contest with the Cardinals — in hopes that a night’s sleep would take the sting out of it.

Oh ha ha ha ha ha.

Nope, in the clear light of morning it hurts just as […]

Missing Things

Sunday was sunny and warm, one of those days where spring tells you that despite recent events, the world will soon be habitable on a more or less regular basis. Emily and I had worked through all manner of errands and items on our separate to-do lists, so we decided that … we could go to […]

The Mets Have a Pronouncement to Make

Now — and again — pitching and batting ninth for the New York Mets, Number Twenty-Seven…


There haven’t been too many Mets whose first name gets pronounced with such diversity, but however […]

Resetting Expectations

Perhaps it was Mets Sensory Overload having gotten to me — Jay Horwitz’s expansive valedictory Wednesday afternoon; the practically literally endless rain delay Wednesday night; David Wright finally saying “uncle” to reality and telling us early Thursday afternoon when we could expect to see him play next and last — that […]