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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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If You're Gooden Hungry

How about lunch? How about lunch with Doc Gooden? How about lunch with Doc Gooden for a compelling baseball cause?

If any or all of the above intrigues you, look into what’s coming three weeks from today, Saturday, February 21, in White Plains. It’s an opportunity to spend some quality time with one of the premier pitchers in Mets history, enjoy some quality food in the process and set the stage for pinching yourself afterwards.

It’s Lunch With Doc, presented by the Baseball United Foundation, an organization devoted to growing our National Pastime at home and abroad. The accent this month is on Ireland, with proceeds from the upcoming luncheon directed toward providing equipment and coaching to youth baseball players on the Emerald Isle. Irish eyes will surely be smiling as they get better acquainted and acclimated to the greatest game ever invented. (The Kensico Little League in Valhalla will also benefit from this fundraiser.)

Thirty years ago at this time, it was Metropolitan eyes that were beaming in anticipation of what twenty-year-old Doc Gooden was going to do in his sophomore season. He had just been named Rookie of the Year and was about to embark on a journey that would take him to the mountaintop, or at least the peak of every mound from Shea Stadium to Chavez Ravine.

You would’ve given your right arm (if not his) to get close to Doc in those days. Based on personal experience, if you had a spare digit to sacrifice thirty years later for a chance to talk to and hear from Doc, you’d think about doing it. With this luncheon, you can keep your fingers and toes intact.

The event will take place at Graziella’s Italian Bistro in White Plains on the afternoon of the 21st, starting at 12:30 and going through 2:30. Tickets — which entitle the bearer to a three-course meal; a choice of beer, wine or soda with which to wash it down; and, oh yes, plenty of Doc (he’ll talk, he’ll answer audience questions, he’ll sign any one item that you bring) — are priced at $150, but you, dear Faith and Fear reader, get your seat at the table for $125 by entering the handy code FaithAndFear when you make your purchase.

How many Saturday afternoons do you get to enjoy in the company of a Met legend? This could be the one.

Full details are here. Tickets are available here.

3 comments to If You’re Gooden Hungry

  • PenaciousH

    This is clearly a side question, but Rusty Staub’s name popped into my head as I read that this occasion was for a meal with Doc.

    I have recently read his Wikipedia entry and several others, but was left wondering how Rusty is and what he’s up to lately. Is he still in NY? I know he doesn’t own the restaurants anymore and how amazingly active he’s been in fund raising for children of fallen police and fire fighters.

    Is the great #4/10 welcome at Citi Field? Make appearances? I was pleased when Cleon started visiting a yr or two ago… He used to be so active, with spot starts on the TV casts, a book, and so on…I hope he’s well and wish him only the best.

    As you guys have posted, it’s a shame the Mets don’t have more organized chances to thank and meet with players from our past (not necessarily Old Timers games, but more formal recognition days and so on), and at this point, it seems that only Seaver, Doc, Straw, more recently Mike Piazza are brought in to be adored… And maybe some bubblehead dolls for more greats from recent and distant past… instead of fair to middling current players (I’m thinking Fonzie, Ventura, Olerud–maybe that infield together like that great SI cover; Charles, Krane, Koosman, Matlack–who I know was there last year– Swan, Swoboda…???)

    Thanks for any info on Rusty…and of course for your continued blogging excellence.

  • […] that Doc Gooden luncheon on February 21 we told you about here? You can still get tickets […]