The blog for Mets fans
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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Just Another Cyber Monday

Coming soon...

Coming soon…

I hear it’s Cyber Monday. If this is a day you, my fellow Mets fan, shop online, maybe you’d like to buy a book about Hall of Famer Mike Piazza so fresh that you can’t yet hold it in your hands. Piazza: Catcher, Slugger, Icon, Star by Greg Prince (hey, that’s me!) will be published in March, but is available for preorder on Amazon here and now. It’s what I’ve been writing instead of stuff on this blog over the past several weeks, and I believe you’ll find it a worthwhile use of our collective time. Sort of like Mike was from 1998 to 2005.

I look forward to telling you more, but I have to get back to putting the finishing touches on the manuscript. If, in the meantime, you’d like to purchase a Mets book as a holiday gift, I can think of a few that already exist.

(And a return to blogging is forecast for very soon.)

23 comments to Just Another Cyber Monday

  • Kevin From Flushing

    Can’t wait!

  • Kevin From Flushing

    Say… weren’t we promised new FAFIF t-shirts with 31 on them?

  • Dave

    Greg, glad to hear that the FAFIF hiatus has been because a project like this has been in the works. And with the entire hot stove currently doing a manequin challenge, not like there’s been lots of current stuff to write about anyway.

    Look forward to this, as well as after I retire and have more reading time, diving into Cespedes: Outfielder, Slugger, Icon, Star by Greg Prince.

  • Gil

    Was anyone else kind of bummed they resigned Neil Walker?

    • Pete In Iowa

      Not bummed at all Gil. While I do have concerns about his back, I think he was a great pick up last season. Really, when you look at what they gave up for him, it appears to be one of the best deals the Mets have ever made. He’s solid at the plate (from both sides), looked to me like he is an above average fielder and was a solid clubhouse leader by all accounts. What’s not to like?
      The only downside I see is that this move keeps TJ bottled up again. However, he seems to be a solid hitter and will certainly fortify the bench. Maybe Flores will play more 1B this season, but I’ve never seen him more than an average player at best.

    • DAK442

      I’m with you. He was a nice player for a while, and I’ve heard from a guy who knows him that he’s a delightful individual. But That’s a lot of money for a guy with a bad back (we already have a surplus of such infielders). Now we have Wright, Reyes, Wilmer and TJ to share two positions.

  • Dave

    Gil – well, two ways to look at it. Walker plays a nice 2B, and off the top of my head I’m hard pressed to remember too many 2B/SS combos in Mets history that generated more offense than he and Cabrera did. He’s a solid ballplayer.

    The other way of looking at it is that it probably means another year of Flores sitting on the bench instead of playing every day, and I think he could hit 30 HR’s, drive in 90 and hit .290 if they gave him 600 AB’s.

  • Gil

    4 for 110!

    PS I liked TJ at 2.

  • Paul Schwartz

    thrilled on yo. TJ will be fine. so will flores. have we forgotten all of last year’s injuries already.
    repeat after me: depth is a good thing!

  • Left Coast Jerry

    A Cespedes for the Mets of us. Oh, and I’m very much looking forward to the Piazza book.

  • Daniel Hall

    Yo-ecstatic-espedes! I’m giggling like a flock of 12-year old girls and have the urge to hug random people around the office; and I really can’t stand most of the people here.


  • eric1973

    Hey, we already have two back/neck guys who can only play six weeks a year. What’s another?

  • Pete In Iowa

    While I would be OK if they kept him in 2017, I would really, really like to see if the Mets can flip Bruce for a catcher. In my view, now that Cespedes is taken care of, that is the position which is the MOST pressing need for next year.

  • Gil

    Castro dies and we sign Cedpedes. Best news cycle week from Cuba EVER.

  • Eric

    4-year deal. That’s about right for Cespedes.

  • open the gates

    Two pieces of great news in one: a, four more years of Ces, and b, the Madoff Era seems to be finally over. Now all we need is a closer who can avoid getting a major suspension, and we’re all good. (Bobby Parnell, anyone? Nah, just kidding.)

  • open the gates

    Truth is, there are at least four in-house options for closer this year. Addison Reed, Hansel Robles, Josh Smoker (I know, long shot), or Zack Wheeler (I know, even longer shot). As for Familia, if and when he comes back, he should be demoted to the seventh or eighth inning, at least for the rest of the year. Man needs to pay his dues.

  • Paul Schwartz

    so if he’s suspended that’s not paying dues?
    what dues did Chapman pay?
    if he’s on the team after the,suspension and,hes,the best option then he needs to close. if he’s cut then that’s a,justifiable consideration.
    but if he’s on the,team after the suspension don’t punish the team v to make a point.

  • open the gates

    OK Paul, I hear you, and I’ll revise my statement a little. If the Mets are getting killed in the ninth inning during Familia’s suspension, and he comes back and pitches lights out, them yeah, give him his old job back. But if Reed or one of the others establishes himself in the closer’s spot – or if the Mets go out and make a deal for a closer that wouldn’t have been necessary had Jeuris behaved himself – then he shouldn’t feel like he can just waltz back in and get the car keys back. I guess that’s really what I was trying to say anyway.

  • Paul Schwartz

    thats,better. I’m fine with that.