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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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All ’Grom Things Must End

I really wanted Jacob deGrom to set the Mets record for most consecutive starts with a win, especially once I discovered that such a record exists and that Jake had tied it. I’m keenly aware of many Mets records. Some it’s never occurred to me to commit to memory. Most Consecutive Starts Won lands a little shy of canonical in that regard.

Most wins in a row in one season is different. That one I grew up with. I knew forever that Tom Seaver won 10 in a row in 1969 and that the Seaver standard held firm until Dwight Gooden blew by it with 14 straight in 1985 (Doc’s streak reached 11 on the same Sunday Tom won his 300th…ah, symMetry). I never really stopped to think about the no-decisions in between, which is what separates that record-keeping from the record-breaking Jacob was attempting. I also didn’t dwell on how wins assigned to a single individual in a team game is rather absurd, probably because when Seaver in 1969 and Gooden in 1985 earned wins, they earned wins.

Jacob deGrom earned eight consecutive wins in eight consecutive starts prior to Saturday and they all brought out the best in a flawed statistic. Jake was no accidental winner, no slogger through five for whom enough runs were scored to forgive his shortcomings. DeGrom’s comings were as long as his locks, and he was a lock to make the Mets look better than they did on the two days before and the two days after Jake pitched.

Saturday in Seattle, the ninth consecutive start with a win, a mythical Met creature for 56 seasons, again failed to appear. One bad inning, a few unfortunate pitches and three Mariner runs saw to it that Jacob would be pitching from behind for too long. He was down, 3-1, when he left after seven and the Mets edged only to within 3-2 after nine. So not only no W for deGrom (a.k.a. FUCKIN A), but also his first L in nearly two months — since the last time he got mixed up with an American League opponent in an American League park. Clearly Jacob isn’t fully comfortable unless he knows he’s going to bat.

The franchise record remains eight straight starts with a win, shared by four Mets of renown who were in the midst of probably the best stretches of their illustrious careers: Seaver in ’69 (en route to 25-7, a Cy Young and a World Series ring); David Cone in ’88 (finishing up at 20-3 and headed to the playoffs); Bobby Jones in ’97 (ascending to All-Star status as the Mets contended for the first time in ages) and deGrom in this Met year that doesn’t fit with any of those Met years. Each of those Met years was a very, very good Met year, while this one struggles to maintain mediocrity, save for when it’s fabulous, which is on the day deGrom pitches and usually wins.

Usually. Not always. It only seemed like it was going to be always.

9 comments to All ’Grom Things Must End

  • Seth

    I was at the game, which was such a treat living out of market. Amazing how many Mets fans were there. So cool… not so much the result.

  • Curt

    Is there such a thing as an enjoyable loss? If there is, yesterday was it for me. Conforto saves at least two runs in the field, DeGrom pitches great except for one inning where a pitch got away from him and may have messed with his head for a bit. Even the bullpen looked good. If not for Neil Walker it’s very possibly a W.

    I’ve been musing over the Ramos acquisition and have started to wonder; What if the bullpen this year has been so bad that Alderson decided he’d put things together for 2018 now? Maybe instead of trading Addison Reed his idea is that now he has a 7th and 8th inning guy (Reed and Ramos can tussle for that) and his closer once Familia is back? Of course he’d need to sign Reed who might be able to get closer money now, or partial closer money anyway. Ramos-Reed-Familia would be a pretty solid 7-8-9 option.

  • eric1973

    Agree with you, Curt. I would even go so far as to sign Reed right now to a 2 year extension at top dollar, so he does not even taste outside life. Bruce, too, for 3 years, as that would give us a great outfield for the next 3 years, at least. Pencil in TDA (I know, I know) with a big eraser attached, Flores, Rosario, Smith, and an infielder to be named later, and we are all set to roll in 2018.

  • LeClerc

    Signing Reed to a multi-year deal or, at least, presenting him with a qualifying offer in the post-season sounds good to me.

  • Harvey Poris

    I think they will let Reed go and hope Robles, who has looked better since his recall, can be the 7th inning guy.

  • dmg

    the newsday guy who visits during the radio broadcast yesterday said that reed is gone, though it remains to be seen which club will pick him up. it depends on who gives up the most to get him.
    by picking up ramos, alderson took one alternative off the table, and improved whatever deal gets made.

  • Eric

    Conforto finishing at or better than .300 BA and .400 OBP, and deGrom ERA finishing under 3. Besides that, checking out Rosario and Smith. Not much else to look forward to for the rest of this season.

  • JerseyJack

    I was actually at that Gooden game in ’85. My first trip to Wrigley ! Great times…