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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Upon Furthest Review

The 2020 New York Mets are not and were never a playoff contender. We regret any role we played in indicating anything otherwise. Thank you.

6 comments to Upon Furthest Review

  • eric1973

    Absolutely true, Greg.

    I’ve never been a fan of too many teams making the playoffs.

    It dilutes the regular season, in that it takes away the highly intense passion of being one of the FEW participants or going home, and replaces it with some mushy, passionless, zombie-like intensity that is generally not a lot of fun, even if you are in it until the next to last day of the season, as has happened this season, and many other Wildcard seasons.

    Now, just so we understand each other, this intense passion might take place in June or July, as you realize your season is teetering on the brink and you better get your act in gear, or it could occur throughout the entire season, if you have a good enough team to be in it all season. But the intense passion is there, somewhere, at some point in the season.

    Win or go home always brings out the most passion and intensity, rather than the dull, yeah, everyone is in it until the end.

  • Ken NJ

    If this was Facebook your post would get a like from me. No more to be said.

  • Seth

    This isn’t really a surprise, is it? They’re not an improved team from last year, and how do you let an anchor of the rotation, mostly homegrown solid #3 starter (Wheeler) just walk? TO ANOTHER TEAM IN THE DIVISION? You replace him with question marks and still expect to be a contender? Was anyone paying attention to how the rest of the division was improving?

  • No, thank you. I would have watched the games had they made it, but the idea that such unrelenting mediocrity could put a team in the playoffs is a joke. Of course, that’s on MLB, not the Mets, but nonetheless, it wasn’t to be and shouldn’t have been.

    Here’s looking to 2021 (covid free, hopefully!).

  • Joeybaguhdonuts

    This whole “season” does not really count in my book. The players and staff were lucky that “only” 50? 75? of them got COVID, no one died, and the stupidest group of wealthy pasty faces in America – the owners – got paid. The rules were from Bizarro World, the umpires were trained by Angel Fernandez, and the Mets performed to type. Let’s root for the doctors and scientists.

  • Richard Porricelli

    Baseballs not an extended playoff sport..The established format works so keep it!.In this historic season some lasting changes will likely occur( that’s why its historic )- deal with it fans!!
    Its baseball in the 21st century, Home runs and strikeouts..Fundamentals are optional and all that money, money , money…Purity is gone. we as fans just have to accept it or turn away from the game as so many of us have..
    As for me the Mets are an old habit like cornflakes in the morning..I only watched the game because it was the last of the season like I’ve done for so many years..So many things have gone from my life , but not them..Its all good if you keep it simple…Thanks guys..