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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Lindor Decade Begins Now

Multiple sources are reporting the Mets and Francisco Lindor have agreed on a ten-year extension worth $341 million, meaning the all-world shortstop will remain in orange, blue and occasionally black through 2031, or Steve Cohen will be paying him off handsomely to go away after a while.

Just floating the worst-case scenario to ensure it never happens. Because my words are just that powerful.

Let’s get giddy over this. We were giddy to trade for Lindor. We’re giddy to keep Lindor. Imagine what it will be like to actually root for Lindor as a Met doing something besides smiling and negotiating. Happily, we get to do that Thursday night and a whole lot more nights and days over the decade ahead.

I really like the “41” part in $341 million. If Lindor says it was important that be in there because he understands how much the number means to Mets fans, I’ll love that he’s here even more. But I can probably love that he’s here plenty even without explicit Seaverian acknowledgment.

I also love that Steve Cohen is here. Know any other recent Met owners who would have gotten this done? Hell, I love that we’re all here, us and Francisco and the rest of the gang. Opening Night awaits. The Francisco Lindor Mets await. The 2021 season will feature them any hour now.

We were gonna root for the Mets anyway, and now they include Francisco Lindor for the long haul. What a bargain!

13 comments to Lindor Decade Begins Now

  • KA-Ching! Nice job Mr Cohen!! Startled after all the Fred and Jeff years… reminds me a bit of the late Mr Doubleday….now let’s keep Conforto too…

    • chuck

      If I knew Scott “a cancer on baseball” Boras was Conforto’s agent, I forgot. That’s a damn shame.

      Boras was featured prominently in Tyler Kepner’s recent whinefest in the NYT about the DH.

  • Ed Rising

    Happy Opening Day! Good news not that I agree with the money – but moving along, glad to see we can get watch this exciting team play ball! I hope Lindor can give us many great years. Not buying the $341 was for Seaver but nice try.

  • Dave

    I’m giddy. I’m on board with the numerology of the ’41’ in the contract figure. I just want to find the verbiage in the contract that absolutely, positively guarantees that the Cleveland Baseball Team has not sent us a star middle infielder whose career is about to take a nosedive. I know it won’t happen, but there’s a repeated history of this. Somebody get me a copy of the contract ASAP, thanks.

    Happy Opening Day to the fans of the hands-down best Opening Day team in baseball history! #LGM! #LFGM!

  • Paul from Brooklyn

    Excelsior! Just saw Lindor play down in Spring Training.The departure of the Wilpons along with the artful grace of Lindor’s throwing motion make this a very happy opening day.There can never be enough tips of the hat towards George Thomas Seaver,we’ll take the 41 in 341 as being one.
    Tomorrow we mark the passing of Gil Hodges as well,49 years.The Hall of Fame needs Gil!

    Let’s go Mets!

  • Bob

    As my Mom would say–we have a owner who is a MENSCH!
    And we have Mrs. Joan Payson, who is no doubt KVELLING in Baseball Heaven!
    Now if the Mets bring Mookie back as some type of coach….but I think our Mets are ready to go!

    Let’s Go Mets!

    Met fan since 1963 Polo Grounds

    Bob in LA

  • mikeL

    well, i went to bed with no new news after (constantly) checking the post and mlb trade rumors all day. all the absurd money asids, if was certainly looking like the season would start awkwardly with lindor the rental and gimenez the cheap alternative the mets let get away.
    around 5:45am i was pleasantly surprised that this got done, april fools and all. for real!

    that the mets are opening with a night game and i won’t be watching a repeat b’cast adds to the perfection of this opening day.

    not on my ipod but today would have been a fine day to blast HUSKER DU’s ‘new day rising’ on my drive home this evening.

    indeed it is!
    let’s go mets.

    • Dave

      Mike – As much as I love New Day Rising, after hearing the news that we have no Mets baseball tonight because the Gnats can’t keep their players sufficiently safe, maybe Makes No Sense At All is more appropriate? Or maybe you’re like me and about to Flip Your Wig?

  • mikeL

    damn dave, been in motion all day and hadn’t heard.
    clearly i needed to Turn On The News!

    • Dave

      MikeL – I Don’t Know For Sure, but I think the Nats are Dead Set on Destruction. Who knows if any games in this series will be played, because this disease is serious, and they’re Hardly Getting Over It.

  • mikeL

    well with so many games subject to last-minute cancellations, gambling on *whether* games are played as scheduled my well be the Newest Industry. Whatever. From The Gut i’ll predict that this will ultimately be a Celebrated Summer. Like ’15 but with the big difference maker here from day one.

    whenever that may be!

  • open the gates

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled that Lindor’s here, and I’m thrilled that he’s staying here. But if anyone wants to send me a 41 million dollar bonus in honor of Mr. Seaver, I’m all for it. Hey, there can never be enough tributes The Franchise, right?