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Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.
Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.
Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.
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One-Ninth of Dreams Do Come True
by Greg Prince on 28 September 2006 7:32 pm
This just in: Gary Cohen's coming back to radio.
Not forever, just for the postseason, not for entire games, just for a couple of innings. He'll work with Howie in the fifth and the other guy in the sixth.
Gary Cohen and Howie Rose back together doing New York Mets baseball for an inning a game. That settles it: We're gonna need to play at least three series in October.
First the shirts, now the voice. If the Mets didn't suck so much, there'd be a lot to get excited about.
Maybe the Mets will be inspired.
(Honestly, if we don't get to Kyle Davies tonight I don't know what I'm gonna do).
When I worried publically about Pedro's performance and chided the SNYers on their “encouraging” appraisal of him last week I basically heard, “Oh don't worry, it's just a rehab start.”
Sigh. Well, Pedro's run out of rehab starts and I'm still very worried.
C'mon Mets! Finish up strong! You're giving me an ulcer!
Doesn't he kind of have our number, usually?
After the way the Braves acted last night, there had better be some chin music played tonight…
Of course my post referred to Kyle Davies.
JoAnn, what we were all looking for in Pedro's last start (vs. FL) was progress from the previous start. We saw that. He gave up 3 ER, only walked one, K'd 7 and threw mostly strikes. No one was expecting a sudden return to form, nor did anyone (here or on SNY) claim a return to form. We only hoped for–and later expressed–that he looked better. And we of course hoped that last night he would look better still. Unfortunately, it was not to be.
Well, guess it doesn't matter any more that Pedro's been so iffy. Now he's a complete scratch. I hope he'll be in the dugout anyhow once he's off bed rest, so he can be a part of it with the team.
Man… they just showed Pedro's “I Live for This” promo on the MLB.TV feed and it just about broke my heart.
I'm already getting nostalgic about his glory days, and he's still here. Pedro: you will be missed in October. Get well soon. We need you for next year.
Amen, brother. :-(
All I can say is something I've cheered many times at Shea: Pe-dro! Pe-dro! Pe-dro! PE-DRO!
Stay with us. Heal. We still need you.
Considering how crappy things have been since September 15th, the fact that I'll be able to hear Gary Cohen and Howie Rose together again for one inning for at least three games makes me feel a whole lot better.