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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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More Good Pedro News

Rotator cuff. Surgery. This week. Out. Eight months.

Go Pedro. To a full and healthy recovery.

7 comments to More Good Pedro News

  • Anonymous

    To quote Vin Scully via the Simpsons via Greg,
    “That saddens me.”

  • Anonymous

    That is truly horrible.
    Why, in St. Pedro's name, do the Mets training and medical staff never see these things coming? Do they not check his whole body between starts? How many starts has Pedro gone out there already injured (more than usual) this year? Five? Six? What, if he doesn't complain he must be fine? Remember Victor Zambrano?
    How did we let such a valuable player go out there, time after time, and destroy himself? If we can supposedly win so well without him, why is it always after we lose that we discover the heartbreaking injury?
    If we had accepted what is now our fate, a Pedro-less postseason, we might have been able to spare him (and ourselves) this crippling malady. WTF?
    I'm sorry, Pedro. Our bad. I look forward to that far-off day when it'll read Pedro Martinez Strikeout #3000! on the big board at Shea. Don't give up on us.

  • Anonymous

    Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I've been thinking it was really the shoulder the whole time.

  • Anonymous

    I look forward to that far-off day when it'll read Pedro Martinez Strikeout #3000! on the big board at Shea.
    I take it you weren't at Shea last Monday…

  • Anonymous

    Haha. No, I wasn't, but I've heard. Just wishful thinking, I guess.

  • Anonymous

    Didn't Petey come here with some damage in that shoulder that we were told shouldn't affect him, he's had it for years?

  • Anonymous

    I think he has been losing body parts by overcompensating for his original toe injury. He forces weight to one leg and throws out one calf, then the other, then he can't use the full force of his legs for pitching so he starts to throw harder from the shoulder. Before you know it, “his whole body hurts”.
    Anyone over the age of 40 knows precisely what this feels like.
    Hang in there Pedro, get better and be the leader on the bench this team needs right now!