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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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We Can Come Out of Our Room When We're Ready to Apologize to Mr. Santana

As predicted, the Mets returned to Earth. Heck, they practically burned up on re-entry, came down miles from the rendezvous point, panicked and managed to blow the hatch and flood the capsule while waiting for rescue. I'm pressed to think what was the least fun: the errors, the parade of unlucky or bad relievers or the carousel of Atlanta Brave baserunners.

No, wait, they're all second-place finishers: The least fun was watching Johan Santana in the dugout, gazing out in mild perturbation and puzzlement at the post-error wreckage of what had been a taut game.

Of course the inevitable had to happen on his watch, wasting a gutty, brainy performance in which he arrived with C+ stuff and pitched an A- game. Johan gets the L despite giving up not one lousy earned run — and has now had this happen to him twice and it's not even Memorial Day.

Why do his teammates give him no run support? Maybe it's awe. I felt a little tight myself, and I was a county away. Can fans press too? Of course they can — I caught myself cheering too hard, staring burning holes into the set and grinding my teeth. If I'd tried Let's Go Mets I would have been off the primordially simple beat. If we'd done the wave I would have fallen over the arm of the couch.

Johan Santana is what we wonder if we deserve. Bistro d'Johan is the fancy restaurant at which we knock over our Cokes and get our tie in the soup and wind up getting dragged out by one arm. The Johan Santana Collection is the art exhibition at which we theatrically sigh and fidget and whine so appallingly that we leave early and there's yelling in the car. The Santana is our uncle's new fancy Cadillac whose ashtray we put bright blue gum in for some unfathomable reason. Johan Santana is the losing pitcher, with an 0.78 ERA and a record of 4-2.

Johan Santana — or more properly our squandering of his vast gifts — is the reason we can't have nice things.

A nice thing we can still have is a copy of Faith and Fear in Flushing: An Intense Personal History of the New York Mets. Check it out at Amazon, Barnes & Noble or a bookstore near you. Keep in touch and join the discussion on Facebook.

5 comments to We Can Come Out of Our Room When We're Ready to Apologize to Mr. Santana

  • Anonymous

    A REAL first baseman comes up with that Wright throw in the for Reyes and his 5th error of the season,what can you say? I doubt you've seen the last of that type of futility from him…
    Santana is just going to learn how to live with less. But honestly, if he can keep his ERA under 1.00 he might just win 18 games..
    LET THIS BE A LESSON and don't deny it ! WE ALL HAD THIS ONE chalked up as number 8 in a row! I just hope we don't get swept by the bravos!!!
    Rich P

  • Anonymous

    “Mets returned to earth”….topical and poetic! Considering the shuttle launch…

  • Anonymous

    as an LIRR rider you might appreciate (or have already seen) this.
    Not having Delgado hurt last night, hope he gets better soon.

  • Anonymous

    I'll give Lowe some credit for pitching a terrific game, but the Mets blew another top notch effort from Santana with 1) poor play in the field and 2) poor play at the plate.
    Santana deserves a better performance from his teammates when he takes the mound. They're capable of it, look at the support they've given Pelfrey. Do they just sit back, put their feet up and expect one run to be enough every time Santana takes the mound?

  • Anonymous
