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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Images To Last A Lifetime

I just got my mental images developed from the World Series. Wanna see ’em? They’re right here in this envelope.

This is one of me all excited to realize I’m going to a World Series game for the first time in my life. No, I wasn’t there any of the other times the Mets were in it.

This is another of me all excited about it. There are a bunch like that. You don’t have to look at all of ’em.

This is the LIRR full of Mets fans, pulling into Jamaica. If you look closely, you can almost hear the conductor announcing we have to change at Woodside if we’re going to the World Series game.

That’s me smiling at another Mets fan when the conductor says that.

That’s me at Woodside buying a new Metrocard even though I have plenty of value on my current one. It must’ve bent in my wallet or something because it didn’t work. Can you believe I’d encounter a fly in the ointment when I’m on my way to the game I’ve been waiting all my life to go to, not to mention the most important game the Mets have played in 15 years? I’m nervous enough as it is. Practically every game this postseason my stomach’s in knots three hours before first pitch.

That’s me coming down the stairs of the Mets-Willets Point station. Yes, I’m finally calling it by its official name.

That’s me gawking at all the activity on Mets Plaza. There’s merchandising tents and news vans and a set for SNY and one for Channel 11. I’ve never seen anything like it before a Mets game.

That’s me snapping up a program right away. A Mets World Series program, for goodness sake.

That’s me grabbing one of those WOR placards. First one I’ve picked up all postseason. It says #BELIEVE, as you can plainly see.

That’s me on my way to visit my brick as I do before every Mets game. I’m passing behind a reporter from Channel 5 doing a standup and I take off my new Mets cap with the World Series patch on the side and wave it behind him. I’ve always wanted to do that.

That’s me stopping by my brick. Usually it’s enough that I make eye contact with it, but here I’m tapping it three times with my foot. I don’t know why three. I should’ve done four, for how many games we need to win.

Here I go up to two Royals fans and wish them “luck…just not too much of it.” They smiled. I’m trying to be gracious for some reason.

This is where I stop by the Shea home plate marker. Three other guys are standing around it. Turns out I know one of them, Brian from Bayside. I’m friends with the kind of people who visit the Shea marker before the first World Series game at Citi Field. I like that.

Here are some shots from the Chapmans’ tailgate, which has become a postseason institution almost. The Chapmans are the reason I’m at my first World Series game, just as they were the reason I was at Citi Field’s first NLDS and NLCS games. They’re incredibly good people, even without the tailgating.

Here’s Kevin Chapman getting his face painted orange and blue. It’s a good look tonight, I think.

Here’s some Kansas City ribs Kevin grilled for the occasion. I eat them up like I hope Noah Syndergaard will gobble up Royals hitters.

Here’s Charlie and Tracey and Skid and of course Sharon. Our conversation is essentially, “Can you believe we’re at the World Series? Can you believe the Mets are in the World Series?”

Here’s me thinking that I hope the Mets aren’t as awestruck by this World Series business as we are. The way they played in Kansas City, I’m not so sure.

Here’s Sharon and me stopping at one of the concession trailers set up on the third base side. It’s a short line but we’re stuck behind somebody who’s practically climbing over the counter and trying on every shirt and hat. I just want to buy a pennant and a pin.

Here’s me grimacing as we wait.

Here’s me buying the pennant and the pin.

Here’s me having my World Series ticket scanned…a real World Series ticket!

Here’s me accepting my orange towel that says Let’s Go Mets.

Here’s me scrawling my father’s name on one of those SU2C cards. I wondered how that worked and now I know. They have people handing you a magic marker and letting you write on a clipboard. I’m not sure what standing up later and holding a sign that says “Charles Prince” on it will do for my dad, but I’m sure there’s a purpose to it.

This is the hot dog vendor who’s hawking his wares, promising no line.

This is me buying a hot dog from the vendor. I just had a couple of Kevin’s ribs but the opportunity to secure food with no line at sold out Citi Field appeals to me ever since I found my blood sugar dropping before Game Four of the NLDS.

Here I am out in Section 131 shortly before all the festivities start. World Series festivities. WOW!

Here’s this girl who apologized in advance for how she was going to have to get up to use the ladies room “every ten minutes,” presumably because she’s toting around 25.4 ounces of Bud Light. Actually, she wound up going no more than three times and was super nice about it.

Here are Kevin and Ross showing up after breaking down the tailgate.

Here’s Kevin hanging a sign paying homage to Thor. We can’t see it from where we’re sitting, but perhaps it showed up on TV.

Here’s Sharon back from picking up a few more World Series items. These shopping opportunities arise, on average, every fourteen years. Of course you have to stock up.

Here are the stupid Royals being introduced. They’re stupid, I’ve decided.

Here are the Mets being introduced. They’re awesome. You already knew that.

Here’s the biggest gosh darned flag I ever saw being unfurled for the national anthem. I always wonder why the flag on the pole — the one over the subtly raised 2015 NATIONAL LEAGUE CHAMPIONS flag — is good enough for the regular season but not good enough for something like this.

Yup, that’s Billy Joel, singing “The Star Spangled Banner,” and doing a damn fine job of it. Straight ahead, no unnecessary flourishes. He sang it in 1986 and 2000. This is his best rendition yet.

Look — Mike Piazza! First pitch! No sleeves! Isn’t he cold? I sure was.

All right, here’s some game action. First pitch from Noah Syndergaard…

And there’s Alcides Escobar flat on his ass. From left field it’s hard to see where the ball was headed, but clearly Thor had had enough of this Jamoche swinging at everybody’s first pitches, maybe even Mike Piazza’s.

There’s all of us ridiculously pumped up that Alcides Escobar is flat on his ass.

There’s the Royals scoring a run anyway in the top of the first. Yeah, I’m pretty glum here in the background.

And THIS is the CAPTAIN going yard and giving the Mets a 2-1 lead in the bottom of the first! David Wright really has a little flair for the dramatic, doesn’t he? After slumping horribly, he chooses Citi Field’s first World Series game for his first World Series home run. Say, he hit the first Met home run at Citi Field as well, didn’t he?

Oy, here are a couple of Royal runs in the second. Yeech.

Here’s Michael Conforto throwing to third to not quite get Alex Gordon.

Here’s the replay review umpires standing around after Terry challenges.

Here’s Sharon asking what’s the holdup with reaching a conclusion since this is the only baseball game going on, so what else are they reviewing back at command central?

Here’s me comprehending that we’re at the only baseball game left in the only series of baseball games left and it’s the end of October and Citi Field is open and the Mets are here and we’re here. That accounts for that little upturn at the corner of my mouth.

Here are the umpires reversing the call on Conforto’s throw. Honestly I thought Gordon was safe, but don’t listen to me.

Here’s a passed ball after the reversed call, so the stupid Royals have the lead anyway.

Here’s the section where they put all the stupid Royals’ family and friends or whoever they are. They’re like two sections over from us cheering with impunity. If this were Shea, they’d have to root under a protective canopy.

Here’s me looking very, very concerned, almost convinced the stupid Royals are unstoppable. Seriously, I was beginning to think a sweep was inevitable.

This is me deciding something drastic needed to be done.

This is me getting up from my wonderful World Series seat and trying to change the Mets’ luck by taking one inning and treating this most important game in 15 years like it was something normal.

This is me going for a walk in the third inning. Crazy, right? But I had to do something.

This is me getting on a short line at Blue Smoke. I couldn’t have been hungry after Kevin’s ribs and the hot dog, but this was part of my strategy: in some other season I wouldn’t have thought twice about wandering off to get something to eat in the middle of the game. Everything’s been too intense in the postseason for that sort of behavior. No, I told myself, gotta do what I would normally do, then maybe the Mets would loosen up, too.

This is me actually believing that.

This is Curtis Granderson homering with a runner on while I’m making my way through my brisket sandwich. The Mets are ahead while I’m up. I have to watch the turning point of the game on a video screen, but it’s a small sacrifice to get the Mets going.

This is me actually continuing to believe that.

This is me noticing how relatively few people are in these areas that are usually so busy during the course of a well-attended game. I’d always wondered whether once Citi Field had a big game if people would treat it as such. I learned they do…even if for one inning I tried to treat it as nothing special.

This is me still believing I had something to do with the Mets being ahead, 4-3, after three.

This is Syndergaard retiring the Royals in order in the fourth once I’m back at my wonderful World Series seat.

These are the four young guys who’ve sat in front of us in 131 every game I’ve watched with the Chapmans this postseason. They’re mostly adorable the way they high-five everybody for everything. They’re also mildly clever in their taunts of the suddenly less enthusiastic Royals rooters section. They probably go too far at some point, but I vicariously enjoy their never letting up.

This is me standing because those guys are standing and the people in front of them are standing…I have to say I would have preferred a touch more sitting, given the blister that’s lately flourished on one of my toes, but it’s the World Series, so I understand.

There’s Conforto bringing Lucas Duda home with another run in the fourth. It’s just an infield single, but it’s something. We all agree Conforto is gonna be terrific, but it must be tough to have ascended through the ranks as quickly as he has and then not flail a bit. It hasn’t been the most productive of postseasons for the kid, but I love seeing him out there.

This is a shot of the scoreboard. The Mets are winning, 5-3, same score that the final game of the 1969 World Series was won by.

This is me noticing all the between-innings folderol to which we are usually subject goes locally unsponsored during the World Series — and the different folderol that is nationally sponsored. The corporate influence is hard to miss, as baseball tries a little too hard to be the NFL.

This is my sense that a World Series game is still a baseball game, despite the overlong between-innings breaks. I’d been to enough postseason games to know it would feel different. Really, a World Series game experience is basically the one you get at a postseason game, but more so. Everybody should have the chance to make those determinations first-hand.

This is Thor totally in the groove. The Royals — the team we were told ad nauseum that couldn’t be stopped from “attacking” and “ambushing” Mets pitchers — are being reassuringly human here. About frigging time, I might add. I’m pretty sure they lost a few games over the course of the previous seven months.

Ooh, these are my favorite shots of the night. They’re from the home sixth where we break it open. Let’s see…Lagares pinch-hitting for Conforto and singling…Flores getting hit…me thinking the Mets should use that clip of Pearl Bailey reacting to the Shoe Polish Play from the ’69 World Series film (“Whoa, he hit him!”) every time there’s an HBP…Juan Uribe coming up.

This is Juan Uribe singling in Lagares and me going about as nuts as I did all night. I’d missed Juan Uribe. We had no righthanded bench without him. Without him, that at-bat would have been Michael Cuddyer’s. I’ve been trying very hard to be very supportive of every Met this postseason, but Cuddyer is not who I wanted up in that spot.

Anyway, here’s Granderson getting on, Franklin Morales coming out, Kelvin Herrera, one of their supposedly infallible relievers coming in, and, oh, David again! See, he’s singling home Flores and Uribe. Four RBIs for the Captain!

There’s Murphy — who’s on the cover of the Sports Illustrated I’m carrying in my schlep bag, which makes me both very proud and very worried — walking to load the bases and Cespedes lifting a fly ball to score Curtis. We’re up 9-3 now and I’m pretty sure we’re not gonna get swept.

There’s me checking Twitter and discovering Morales’s World Series ERA is 108.00, or what Sharon and I call a Garrett Olson.

There’s Addison Reed retiring the side in order in the seventh.

There’s a 20-minute seventh-inning stretch, or so it seems.

There’s Tyler Clippard retiring the side in order in the eighth.

There’s Billy Joel on the video board watching us sing along to “Piano Man,” which may have finally broken through as a robust singalong with the World Series as backdrop and its author in attendance.

There’s Jeurys Familia coming in to protect a six-run lead. Not a save situation, to say the least, but when you’re trying to get back into the World Series, I guess you can’t be too careful.

There’s Wilmer making a nifty play in the field to get the first out of the ninth. He’s becoming so defensively adept that I decide to call him Wilmer Flordoñez.

There’s Familia striking out Gordon, hopefully proving that home run in Game One was a fluke.

There’s Kendrys Morales grounding out to Wright to end the game, a 9-3 win for the Mets, who now trail the World Series two-one.

There’s all the ebullient commotion that accompanies a World Series win. I hug or high-five everyone I see before stepping lively to make my train home.

There I am stopping off in the men’s room, which I’m showing you only because there’s a guy there who keeps shouting, “WELCOME TO THE NATIONAL LEAGUE!”

There’s me and the National League guy high-fiving after we depart the men’s room. The World Series reveals kindred spirits you wouldn’t suspect.

There’s me singing “Meet The Mets” out loud as I make my way to the Rotunda exit. Nobody else in the concourse is singing. I don’t care.

There’s me taking part in a group LET’S GO METS chant every step down the Rotunda stairs. That’s never happened before.

There’s me learning the spooky 1986 pattern is still in effect: Lose Game One by one run; lose Game Two by six runs; now win Game Three by six runs. Hmmm…

There’s me on my train reading that the Royals are whining about Syndergaard coming in high and tight to Escobar and that Syndergaard basically doesn’t care that they’re whining.

There’s me declaring Noah Syndergaard has just become my favorite Met.

There’s me getting home, still brimming with excitement about having gone to my first World Series game.

Last shot: me excited that on Saturday night I’ll be going to my second World Series game…and that the Mets will be very much there, too.

40 comments to Images to Last a Lifetime

  • Matt in Richmond

    That was fun. Love the toughness by Thor, battling through after the horrible umpiring screwed him over so bad the first 2 innings. Also love how complete this lineup is right now….Murph has a bad night, Curtis and the Captain pick him up. Only real spot that worries me right now is Conforto…seems like he hasn’t made good contact in a long time.

  • Ed

    Nice article we need 3 more wins somehow. Find a way metsies

  • Did I miss something? As far as I can tell, Thor did what the Royal’s pitching coach said they would do about “Murphy looking comfortable in the batter’s box.” He got “buzzed” in the first game. Does their outrage mean they believe they are entitled to be comfortable, but no one else is? Maybe Collins should fine Thor for listening to the instructions of the opposing team’s coach. And Escobar would have to grow six inches and stand 3 inches closer to the plate for that pitch to have hit him.

    • Dave

      Royals are full of macho bluster for a bunch of small market midwesterners…the Mets are the ones with a shortstop hobbling around on an Art Shamsky-endorsed cane with a broken leg, they think they have the right to be dropping Fox-televised f-bombs because a fastball came within about 2 feet of the zip code their shortstop’s head was in. Jeez, if that were Bob Gibson on the mound, the next pitch would be been thrown at Moustakas’s head, regardless of the fact that he was in the Royals’ dugout without a bat in his hands.

      And while it’s always best to be at the games instead of having to listen to the Buck/Reynolds tandem from hell (and my wife and I will be joining everyone tonight and tomorrow), those at the game didn’t catch the SNY coverage of my candidate for Mets Quote Of The Year from Thor, discussing said first pitch, “that’s my plate, not theirs.” Brilliant.

      • Rob E.

        I love your line about Gibson. You are probably right! I get a kick out of how guys like Gibson & Drysdale are so revered for being enforcers, and then Syndergaard does it and it’s almost scandalous. I wish I had a dollar for every time Harold Reynolds flip-flopped between “he woke up the Royals” (as if it’s even possible to wake up a team with a 2-0 advantage) and “he set the tone.”

        Just to add some perspective here, Escobar hit .257 with a .292 OBP this year. He’s hot, but he ain’t Rickey Henderson. Somebody needed to remind him (and the Mets pitchers!) of that, and Syndergaard did that last night. AWESOME job by Thor, from the first pitch to the post-game interviews. Here’s hoping for some carry-over.

        • Dennis

          Gibson and Drysdale were the 1st two pitchers I thought of would have come in much closer than that. I think it’s a trend all through baseball that any pitch that is deemed too close is met with outrage from the team on the receiving end. Regardless, it was especially nice seeing Wright have a big game last night.

        • Matt in Woodside

          “Meet me 60 feet, six inches away” I love that he owned it, and wasn’t like “whoops! I blame nerves!” And he’s right. If they were really that upset about a high and tight pitch that wouldn’t have hit Escobar even if he had stood still, Syndergaard did come up to bat with nobody on base two innings later.

  • Lou from Brazil

    You had me early in this one, but Wilmer Flordoñez? Brilliant!

    • Daniel Hall

      Reymer Flordonez sounds even better. XD

      I must say I am surprised by how Flores has wholly turned into a Ruben-type of player now, hitting precious little, but he’s making a lot of plays where I think, off the bat, “oh f-…”, yet somehow the ump at first brings up his fist after his play.

  • I don’t understand all this questioning of Harvey throwing a first pitch fastball to Escobar. Either of his outfielders could have and should have caught that ball. The result then is 1 pitch, 1 out. No runs in the first inning. Familia starts the 9th inning up 4-2. No controversy about Harvey’s pitch.

  • Steve D

    How you are able to write such a great post at 4AM is astounding.

    Really KC? What a bunch of pussies. MEMO: Your batter was not hit. They are now in a position where if a pitch gets away from a Met pitcher, the benches have to empty. I already envision Uribe and Cespedes leading the charge…great acquisitions for this situation too.

    These are going to be high scoring games now IMO and at home we have a big advantage. It will come down to Thor on the mound in hostile KC.

  • Shawn B

    REASON 19,691,986 WE LOVE GREG:

    “Flores getting hit…me thinking the Mets should use that clip of Pearl Bailey reacting to the Shoe Polish Play from the ’69 World Series film (‘Whoa, he hit him!’) every time there’s an HBP.”

    • Steve D

      <===That play has been my avatar since we swept the Cubs.

    • Dave

      Major props to Greg for recognizing who I think of as the Mets’ first celebrity fan. Yes, now we have virtually every comedian/comedienne you can name, but in 69 we had Pearl.

  • Ken K. in NJ

    Nice. There was actually a LP track with this concept years ago, yours was better:

    This New Daniel Murphy worries me. What have we got now? A guy who will hit maybe 25 Home Runs (lets be reasonable) but strikes out way too much. Give me back the Line Drive Double to the Opposite Corner in the Clutch Murphy.

    Wahoo for Uribe. When I saw him start his swing at that non-curving outside curveball I said to myself, “What is he doing, that’s Ball Three!!”. Which is just one of many many reasons why Uribe is where he is and I am watching on the couch.

  • Art

    Also my first WS game, and tonight will be my second. Just tried to take it all in. Hopefully Matz holds serve. If he does, CitiField will be shaking on Sunday.

  • mikeL

    i LOOOVE that pic of escobar on his ass.
    may that be the virtual uniform-patch emblem of a mets come-back for the ages!
    what an incredible game. (haha, i too missed seeing the granderson HR…instead heard the call in the kitchen as i washed a few dishes…during the regular season i couldn’t have done that – no mets gams in the radio here). and yes, great to have uribe back. much of the mets magic, it turns out had been on the DL for rounds 1 and 2 (not to menion the run for HFA – which now seems like months ago – which it will be when the mets take the field tomorrow…in november and hopefully tied at two!!

    lastly, i can’t recall a more understated/bad-ass post-game by a pitcher: noah in the hallway, next to the big mets logo explaining the intention behind his first pitch (wait, he didn’t say “that one got away, i was too amped?!?”)and declaring cooly “that’s MY plate.”

    he’s the pitcher who would have plunked clemens; he’s the guy who turns the series around on pitch #1 and prevails through bad calls of consequence.

    is it possible that more than anyone HE flicked the switch that turned the mets’ bats back to ON? well, he and the 43K screaming fans in the house!

    can’t wait til first pitch tonite.

  • Eric

    The more that the Royals complain about a pitch that was up and in, but was not head hunting, the more they show that the pitch achieved the psychological effect that Syndergaard intended. At the same time, the Royals hit like the Royals in the 1st and 2nd innings and almost worked over Syndergaard in the 6th inning like they worked over deGrom in the 5th inning, so I can’t say how much impact the pitch had on the field. Still, a statement was made and the Mets hitters made the statement stand up.

    Syndergaard working his way through heavy pressure and a climbing pitch count in the 6th inning was a good step in his development.

    Flores’s defense has held up at SS. That’s big.

    I missed Uribe. A month away and he doesn’t miss a beat in the World Series. I want him DH’ing when (when) the series goes back to KC.

    Lagares’s speed on base makes a difference.

    Granderson came through from the lead-off spot again plus good defense. He’s productive with RBI chances. He’s been good and consistent at the lead-off spot this season, but thinking ahead to next season (yes, too soon), I’d like to see Granderson dropped down to 2nd or 3rd in the order again, perhaps by leading off with Conforto.

    The sac fly by Cespedes after Wright’s HR to the same part of the park tells me that the shoulder injury is affecting him. The contact by Cespedes looked solid enough to be a HR but it petered out short of the warning track.

    Reed starting an inning clean is completely different than Reed inheriting base runners. The clean innings by Reed, Clippard, and Familia were comforting. Besides the mistake pitch that Gordon walloped, Familia’s stuff has looked unhittable against the Royals.

    Recalling the Royals’ struggle against Bumgarner in the 2014 World Series, I’m curious to see how the Royals hit against fellow southpaw Matz. Take 2 tonight against Chris Young who hopefully has lingering effects from his game 1 relief appearance.

  • Awesome commentary. Nice job Greg. Enjoy tonight.

    • mikeL

      indeed…sounds like you had quite the time!
      time your food runs well again and have another great, high-fiving, hugging, singing time tonite!

  • 9th string catcher

    National League baseball and #3 pitchers serve the Mets well! And they had a sneak peak at number 4 pitcher already.

  • sturock

    Noah! That first pitch said it all. There’s a new sheriff in town and we’re back in this thing. Win again tonight!

  • Lenny65

    The Royals are an excellent baseball team but this whining about one tight pitch is pretty silly IMO. I mean what should the Mets have done, give their annoying leadoff batter a nice fat pitch to drive? Yeah it was a “message” and that message was “we came to win tonight”. It wasn’t even really that close, just high and in. Big deal.

    • Matt in Richmond

      Absolutely correct. Was it in the neighborhood of his head? Maybe, but the only way he could get hit by that pitch would be to dive into it. How many times the past few years has DW had pitches thrown much closer to his head, with nary a peep?

  • DK

    Longtime reader, second-time commenter.

    Like Sharon’s and your realization that this was the only game going on, I looked over at the blank/dark scoreboard last night, smiled and took a photo of it. Very cool to realize we were at the only MLB game going on.

  • Eric

    Syndergaard’s win guaranteed November baseball and 1 more (and last 2015) start for Harvey.

  • argman

    I don’t think I have ever felt happier for a Mets player as an individual than I did for David Wright last night. I only hope that he has a hot streak in him, and his teammates all join in.
    And if you were watching the SNY postgame show last night, Steve Gelbs asked TDA about that first pitch. And Travis answered “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Almost as good an answer as Noah’s.

  • Mikey

    great freaking win.

    I was so annoyed like many of you, when Thor wasn’t getting strike calls that were obvious strikes. I’m tired of these squeezed strike zones, but what makes it worse is when the line drive hitters take advantage like they did. thankfully Thor and the bats made it not matter, but still.

    the purpose pitch did its job. but the best part? i just watched it again and the fans in the front row all ducked despite being behind a net…hilarious

    I feel good about Stevie tonight and we will get to Young early and tire out their bullpen again

    let’s go Mets!!!

    • Rob E.

      That is a great point. While they were talking about the Royals “pounding” him in the first two innings, they left out that Zobrist got away with one in the first, Cain’s hit was a checked swing, Perez got away with a non-checked swing call and then got a hit on a bat that was turned into sawdust…he could have gotten through last night giving up ZERO runs.

      The home plate umpire was really inconsistent last night (and hasn’t been Met-favorable all three games). The second half of the game the strike zone was much bigger, but he was getting squeezed early, and definitely in the first two innings.

  • eric1973

    Thor turned this thing around with one admittedly ‘purpose’ pitch that surely served it’s purpose. He just taught Harvey and deGrom a lesson, and if they each adopt the same ‘quiet assassin’ attitude, they will be much better for it.

    Who knew Thor is actually the toughest guy on the team? His attitude after the game bordered on scary.

    Hitters today dive in with impunity, and pitchers do not pitch inside anymore, so all you need to do is throw it eye-high and 3 inches inside, and it will have the desired effect without any warnings being issued.

    Hope you’re paying attention, Matz. Win tonite, and I cannot envision losing 2 more.

    • Eric

      Good point. Set aside the statement to the Royals. Syndergaard also made a statement for – to – his teammates.

  • Paul Schwartz

    Great game. Great blog. Great comments. Fox sucks. Tons of blather and bs stats. Joe Buck not his father . Let’s Go Mets. Here’s a stat you’ll never see on Fox but more significant than almost any other.
    Mets have gotten leadoff runner on 8 times in series. Scored 8 runs in those 6 innings. Royals have gotten leadoff runner on 10 times. Scored 13 runs in those 6 innings they scored.
    Mets did not put leadoff hitter on 23 times. Scored in just 3 of those(6 runs).
    Royals with no leadoff base runner 21 times and scored just 2 runs in those innings.
    Conclusion : get leadoff hitter on on offense ouout on defense.
    Baseball is a simple game.
    Let’s Go Mets!

  • Eric

    Noah Syndergaard (Mansfield, Texas) is following in the footsteps of Nolan Ryan (Refugio, Texas).

    From Nolan Ryan: The Making of a Pitcher by Rob Goldman (2014):

    Nevertheless, Ryan continued to excel. As his confidence grew, so did his aggressiveness and willingness to use the inside of the plate.

    “Some hitters show fear more than others, and when you know that you pitch everyone accordingly,” he told the Los Angeles Times in 1974. “I don’t mean I ever try to hit anyone, but the inside fastball is part of the game. Certainly it’s scary and it bothers me for a while whenever I hit anyone, but I have no choice but it block it out or I risk losing my aggressiveness and become a defensive pitcher.”

    Catcher Tom Egan says that when Ryan got in a groove he was nothing short of scary. “When Nolan harnessed his mechanics he was unbelievable and intimidating,” says Egan. “When he was taking warm-up pitches before the game, he would walk around the mound to see if there was any soft spots. Then he would look into the visiting dugout as if to say, ‘This is my mound. What are you going to do about it?’ He could run the ball up under the right-handers’ chins without any second thoughts.”
    . . .
    Ryan’s approach was no different than those of other flamethrowers of his generation. Bob Gibson, Sam McDowell, and Don Drysdale all used intimidation effectively. Then, intimidation was as much a part of the game as the national anthem. In today’s game, it means ejections, fines, and five-game suspensions.

    Ryan recalls the time he met pitching legend Satchel Paige before a TV show.

    “Hey, Nolan, you what the best pitch in baseball is?” Paige asked.
    “I always understood it to be the baseball,” Ryan said.
    “No,” Paige said, “it’s a bow tie.”
    “What’s a ‘bow tie’?”
    “When you throw the ball right here,” said Paige, pointing to his neck.
    Ryan started calling his purposeful pitches “Texas bow ties.”
    “It helps if the hitters think you’re a little crazy,” he said. “One of my biggest assets is that batters are afraid of me. They go up there ready to get out of there in a hurry.”

    By 1974, intimidation had become a major weapon in Ryan’s arsenal.

  • mikeL

    will TC sit cespedes tomorrow nite, please?!
    SI curse takes hold on murph…
    this game was winnable…

  • LA Jake

    Will TC let somebody else manage tomorrow night too? This game was winnable

  • Steve D

    The whole SNY booth now is saying what I wrote last night…don’t use Familia in a 9-3 game, you may need him 2 innings the next two nights. I also believed weeks ago, and certainly after seeing KC up close, that Colon would have been a better starter than Matz, with his smarts, experience and rubber arm. Matz can only go 5 innings at this point, exposing the bullpen.

    As for Cespedes, only if he stars in the next three games and we win it all, would they even remotely consider bringing him back. Maybe it is for the best. We all know what would probably happen if the Mets give a 30 year old free agent power hitter a lot of money and years. Next year, we can rent the next Cespedes at the deadline.

  • Stan

    My germ-phobic self would not have high fived someone exiting a men’s room. But that’s just me.