The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Gimme a 7 and 7 for the Ages

It would be out of character for me to not cheerlead the return of Jose Reyes to the New York Mets for his twelfth non-consecutive season in orange and blue, so RAH-RAH, I say, that Reyes is back without having gone anywhere. If I could grandfather in the four seasons he was elsewhere (and fully excise from […]

Recognizing Our Mets-in-Law

When the Hall of Fame voting was announced Wednesday, I felt a mild surge of Metsian pride as two of the four new members were ushered into immortality. Chipper Jones was the quintessential turn-of-the-millennium Atlanta Brave and Vladimir Guerrero’s many splendors were established as a multitooled Montreal Expo. Given their respective pedigrees, we take this moment to […]

Welcome, THB Class of 2017!

Should this have been written in 2017? Perhaps. But in an off-season as exciting as this one, it’s hard to find a place for evergreen features.

(First of many sighs.)

Background: I have a trio of binders, long ago dubbed The Holy Books (THB) by Greg, that contain a baseball card for every Met on the all-time […]

Springtime for Hitters Like Adrian

When the bulletins bubbled forth Saturday night that negotiations between the Mets and Adrian Gonzalez were reaching fever pitch, I thought of Max Bialystock and Leo Bloom scheming to hire Roger De Bris to direct “Springtime for Hitler” in The Producers, the musical theater’s first known example of tanking.

MAX: Roger De Bris is the worst […]

Same as the Old Bruce

“You there in the orange and blue jammies, wake up,” Old Man Winter urged me Wednesday night. “The Mets are bringing in a big-name everyday player.”

I rubbed the sleep from eyes and asked for whom my and my team’s hibernation should be so rudely interrupted.

“Jay Bruce,” Old Man Winter said. “The Mets are signing Bruce […]

The 2017 Oscar’s Cap Awards

How does one define age?

“I wonder if I’m too old to be discovered by the Mets.”

How does one define full?

“Did you get enough to eat?”

“Enough? I got enough for the Los Angeles Dodgers and the New York Mets.”

How does one explore the year in Mets popular culture? By referring to words spoken by the signature […]

The Sourdough Rises Again


Across nearly thirteen years, we’ve written enough here at Faith and Fear in Flushing that a few postings are bound to slip through the cracks of memory. Thus, when we received a note a few days prior to Christmas regarding a story ours allegedly titled, “‘I’m Tellin’ Ya, It Was Sourdough,’” I initially mistook it […]