The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Mets Versus St. Louis

While you’re waiting for 2018 to commence in earnest, or should you find yourself jonesing for compelling content amid the plethora of upcoming off days (why have off days when we just had an offseason?), I suggest treating yourself to some quality streaming, courtesy of Nine Network […]

Five Things to Make You Feel Better

So this simultaneously struck a chord and was no fun at all. What might improve things?

1) Make a date to see Knuckleball! It’s a terrific movie — a smart, sweet baseball valentine, and a wonderful character study of our own R.A. Dickey, Tim Wakefield and their forerunners as knuckleballers — Phil Niekro, Charlie Hough, Wilbur […]

Death Spiral

I’m at my low point as a Mets fan.

It seems crazy to say it, but I really think it might be true.

There have been disasters before, of course.

I became a Mets fan in 1976, not knowing the team was about 14 months from becoming the baseball equivalent of North Korea. But I was a child […]

Mets Brain Trust Figures It Out

“OK, settle down everybody. We’ve got Spring Training coming up in a couple of weeks, so this meeting is important as it allows us as an organization to address the issues that might be holding us back from succeeding in 2012. First on the agenda is deciding how to replace Jose Reyes’s output at the […]

The Mirabelle Mets

An unnamed spokesman for my favorite baseball team referred to a friend of mine as conducting a “desperate self-promotional campaign for relevance,” which is a shame. That’s no way for my favorite baseball team to act.

As for my friend, Howard Megdal, I will echo his sentiments regarding his new e-book, Wilpon’s Folly, and suggest the […]

Hates Colorado, It's Cold and It's Damp

Bad news is your late afternoon has been ruined by raintime in the Rockies. Good news is your previously pre-emptively ruined entire Thursday has been rescheduled as worthwhile, as the Mets will take on Coloradoans (be wary — they’re very well-schooled) tomorrow at 3 o’clock.

To fill the yawning gap from now until then, you can…

• […]

We Still Love This Game

The 2010 Mets are a temporary condition. Mets fandom, however, is a lifetime proposition. Some dispatches from around Metsopotamia, most of them showing us again that blue and orange waters run deep.

• Faith and Fear reader Tim Hanley wrote in to let us know he and his home movie of Ron Swoboda’s Game […]

Endorsing Howard Megdal: Not So Crazy

Sure, I thought it was a little kooky, some fan/writer declaring his candidacy for an office to which he couldn’t be elected because it’s not an elective office. I like a good gag, but how far can you stretch one? Howard Megdal was practically Plastic Man in that regard. He was stretching the gag. He […]

The Vote Continues

Howard Megadal, still running hard, brought his campaign to AMAZIN’ ALL-STAR MONDAY last night at Two Boots Grand Central and no doubt earned himself some votes with a winning stump speech and earnest Q&A. Thanks to Howard for setting the stage and Marty Noble taking it from there. Marty’s session, covered beautifully by Matt Artus […]

Vote for Howard Megdal?

The Megdal for GM campaign has come to Faith and Fear. If you’re a connoiseur of other Mets blogs in addition to this one (and it’s OK if you are), you’re probably aware writer Howard Megdal is running hard for the office of New York Mets general manager. While there is no known election for […]