The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Same Time, Next Year

Tuesday night in August means Chasin Time at Citi Field for the Princes. For the Chasins, it means Prince Time. It’s a good time for all every year for five years suddenly, as time lives up to its reputation and flies. Stephanie and I have been meeting up with erstwhile Bar Mitzvah boy/sharp-eyed sleepover correspondent […]

Once Bitten, Now Fine

Like the swallows that return to Capistrano every March, Mets fans dependably make the pilgrimage to Port St. Lucie every spring. It’s not so much what they see that spurs them onto southbound flights but what they feel. And what Ryder Chasin felt when he was treated to a longer than expected weekend in the […]

Sleep In The Heart Of Flushing?

Considering the surfeit of extra-inning affairs the Mets have brought us in 2013, you might think something called the Citi Field Sleepover would seem superfluous. Yet the Mets scheduled one (as you may have picked up on from the handful of commercials they ran for it every five minutes), and a hardy band of Mets […]

It's Who Ya Know

Ryder takes his FAFIF shirt out for a Citi Field on-field spin.

Stephanie and I have enjoyed telling people we know Ryder Chasin since the day we met him at his Bar Mitzvah in the fall of 2009. If that sounds like an unusual place to meet somebody for the first time, Ryder was […]

30/30 Meets 37 14 41 42

Howard Johnson, Ryder Chasin and the shirt heard ’round the world.

Howard Johnson could hit home runs and steal bases in tandem (if not simultaneously; the rules don’t allow that) like no Met before him and no Met after him. Only Darryl Strawberry could do it — 30 home runs and 30 stolen bases […]

Suites, Symmetry & Shared Vocabulary

The Mets throw all sorts of obscure statistics on their scoreboard in the hours before a game starts, including how they’re doing at home on a given day of the week. For example, before the Mets opened against the Rockies, word was posted that the Mets were 9-0 this year on Tuesday nights at Citi […]

What the Breakfast Chicken Hatched

Athletes have been known be implored to attend Bar Mitzvahs. Sometimes it’s because a particular athlete is Jewish; there’s a great bit in a movie called Keeping Up With The Steins about an extraordinarily competitive L.A. family trying to get then-Dodger Shawn Green to show up at their son’s affair. Sometimes it’s because the fan […]

The Men Who Stare At Mets

Me and Ryder Chasin on the occasion of his departure from childhood. Ryder had his Bar Mitzvah celebration at Citi Field Saturday and was kind enough to invite my wife and me. Here’s to becoming a man and, maybe, a man who has a contender to watch in 2010.