The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Where All the Batters are Below Average

MLB announced its All-Star finalists on Sunday. No Mets were mentioned. No Mets came close to being mentioned. Off all the choices that could be ranked, no critical mass ranked enough Mets for the runoff. A first-place team in the nation’s largest market has gone so under the radar on a positional basis that even […]

Flashback Friday: 2015

Previously on Flashback Friday…

A little piece of me is always watching the Mets in 1970.

Mostly I was enchanted with the possibility that the Mets would win the World Series in 1975.

I was in love with the 1980 Mets. They weren’t the first Mets team I was ever hung up on, but I think, given where […]

Faith and Fear on TV (Humor Us)

You know we cherish our Mets Pop Culture here, so much so that at the end of every year we round up the previous twelve months of such sightings — anywhere that anything Mets shows up in a non-sports, non-news context — and present them with Oscar’s Cap Awards. That, of course, is Oscar as in […]

Zack to the Future

Zack Wheeler was back Friday and not nearly as good as ever. To be backhandedly fair, the Zack we once knew wasn’t yet as great as he was projected to be, but he sure seemed to be getting there. His trajectory was reasonable for a freshman and sophomore of his ilk. Two steps up, one […]

They Sang to Me This Song of Hope

With one swing, Jay Bruce saved and screwed us all Thursday night. The National League RBI leader — with three crucial Met runs batted in on top of eighty from Cincinnati that do us no good whatsoever — blasted a three-run homer over Yankee Stadium’s center field fence to ensure Bartolo Colon’s vintage pitching performance […]

It Ain't Over...Oh, It's Over

Is the game over yet?
Is the game over yet?
Is the game over yet?

The Mets and Giants ceased their Friday night hostilities so quickly it was as if they were worried about staying one step ahead of the Sharknado. As it happened, only the Giants bared their offensive teeth, with two runs early, three runs later […]

Like a Room Without a Roof

I stumbled into a realization a few weeks ago: baseball is a metaphor for baseball. It’s not a metaphor for life. It doesn’t serve as our symbolic rebirth or any of that folderol. Opening Day means that after too many months without regulation games, we get one, to be followed almost immediately by another, and […]

Parnell as Closer: No Bull

Your USF Bulls had just seen their hard-earned lead trimmed to three points in the final minute of the fourth quarter when Notre Dame attempted an onside kick. It was still a longshot, but if they recovered, then the Irish would have the ball around their own 45 and if everything were to go spookily […]

Baseball Enjoyed While Result Disdained

Bad to have lost. Better had it been won. Good that it was played. That was Friday night, Mets vs. Phillies, undesirable outcome disallowed from overshadowing several elements that pleased me greatly as I sat and watched from my living room couch.

• Justin Turner returned to all-world status, 4-for-5 at bat, all-encompassing in the field, […]

Move Over Daniel (Here Comes David)

Jonathon Niese endured. Ike Davis awoke. David Wright served the main course to one lucky Acela Club patron. The Florida Marlins learned that no one — and I mean no one —  comes into our house and pushes us around (hubris not applicable on final days of seasons). And while all this was going on, […]