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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Simply Dismayin' Again

Everybody cleared out? Sanchez? Bay? Ronnie Freaking Paulino? We wouldn’t want to hurt a single human being.

Not so fast there, Randa.


Pity, I really liked PNC Park. Of course I saw it when the Cardinals were the visiting team and I had nothing invested in the outcome. It was much prettier then. But you know the rules. When we get swept somewhere, that place must be destroyed. We did it with historic Fenway Park and we have to do it again.


There go all those brooms, straight up in the air. Fibers are floating everywhere. (Who’s fer stickball?) Way to go Pirates fans, spoiling…what? A weekend? We’re still 13-1/2 games in front. Hey, look! It’s a Steelers game! Run along now.


There go all the bottles of Korbel snuck in from two states away. All those receipts for gas and airplanes, too. Sorry traveling Mets fans. At least you got to see a really great stadium before it was eviscerated in a fit of well-deserved pique.


There go the concessions and advertisements. That’s a lot of Pup-Peroni. And Primantis. Mmmm…doggie treat sandwiches with cole slaw…


There goes that scoreboard with all the zeroes posted by all those lefties. Maholm, Gorzelanny, Duke: If you want to make it to arbitration eligibility so Kevin McClatchy can trade you before you want to get paid your worth, I suggest you grab your mitts, cross the Clemente and call your agents. You were just waiting in Pittsburgh to become free agents anyway.


There goes nothing, specifically the Mets’ collective performance over the last three games. It didn’t blow up because it didn’t show up. Maybe Charlie Samuels shipped the bats directly from Miami to Shea. Great foresight.

So one Met win or one Phillie loss and…like I have to tell you anymore? You know the magic number better than your social security. The Astros, not surprisingly, did us no favors (for all of you who rooted so heartily for Philadelphia to win for aesthetic reasons, please remind me how great that was if we’re staring down the barrel of Randy Wolf and Ryan Howard in a few weeks). The Red Sox, shockingly, did stave off their own elimination this afternoon which means even if they are stomped upon tonight, the A.L. East cannot be clinched until at least Tuesday. The Yankees play tomorrow but Boston doesn’t. Just for that, they can have Fenway back.

Now the wishes of thousands come partially true. By losing Sunday (and Saturday and Friday), the Mets come home in front of their adoring — though maybe not as adoring as we were 48 hours ago — masses with a chance to clinch first in New York and create an unforgettable love-in 17 years and 148 games in the making.

Don’t blow it.

8 comments to Simply Dismayin' Again

  • Anonymous

    I'm sitting here at gate C56 along with MANY other Met fans waiting for what will be an extremely quiet ride back to JFK. They stank it up big time for three games and I wonder who they CAN beat if they can't win a game from these guys. First team on the senior circuit to sweep us this year. The Pirates for Gods sake….Not good…not good at all.

  • Anonymous

    I have returned from the scene of the grime. More detail, with pictures,to follow, but suffice it for now- Zach Duke was one heckuva pitcher out there today (what IS it with me running into talented young opposing starters?), Maine was every bit his equal except for two well-placed soft liners in the first inning, and both managers made some really odd decisions about who to pinch-hit for and when, which might've made more or less than the difference on the scoreboard.

  • Anonymous

    I drove down today for the contest, and got to hear the general manager on KDKA in the last half hour before gametime. Between that, and the post-All-Star-Game stats they kept showing, and just how Duke and a lot of these young players looked, I have to say- we have nothing to be ashamed about. They're a good bunch of guys, who, if Pirate management can hold them together (unlike, say, Jeffrey Loria's Montreal/Marlin model), they'll be a good small-market contender who could take that division on a regular basis. Sadly for them, their current ownership isn't likely to hang on to all their goodies,even with all their tradition and decent crowds and a gem of a yard. Which sucks, but they owe us for the roughly two decades where they benefited from our suckage.

  • Anonymous

    I really hope I don't sound bitter, and let me preface this thought by conceding that he was not the reason we lost today, but…
    Would Ricky Ledee take both his hits and go somewhere else already?
    In the bad years, there used to be a “human surrender flag”; a pitcher the Mets would throw out there in the fourth or fifth inning of a game they just knew they were bound to lose (Jeff Musselman comes to mind). But late inning pinch-hitters are not supposed to be human surrender flags.
    Sorry. Nothing personal, Ricky. Just had to get that off my chest.

  • Anonymous

    IMHO, he's here for one reason. He's one of Willie's Yankee pets. Other than helping Willie relive his Yankee glory days in-between nauseating Subway commercials with his hero Joe Torre, Ledee really serves no earthly purpose.
    That's how I see it, anyway. Here's a grain of salt…

  • Anonymous

    I wish we still had Marlon Anderson.

  • Anonymous

    you are right on about this. my feeling is, if you want to give someone a front-row seat, it should be fonzie. that would be the right thing for the club to do (if only for sentimental fans like me).
    but willie's got no investment in fonzie. and who knows how many towel-snapping moments he and ledee shared?

  • Anonymous

    Jacobs27, lately I think we share a brain.
    And I am still completely aggravated at the total lack of Fonzieness in the entire affair, and dmg hit the nail squarely on the head where that's concerned.