The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Rob Gardner Had Game

Atop the annals of below-the-surface New York Mets history — that place where the significance of 1969 and 1986 and Mike Piazza’s home run on September 21, 2001, are implicit — The Rob Gardner Game has long lurked. The Rob Gardner Game may be NYMIYKYK incarnate. If you know, you know. Yet it isn’t something […]

Rainbow Shades Taken Off

For the second World Series in a row, the Mets can take satisfaction in knowing they dominated their season series with the National League champions, and that if baseball ran along the lines of college football, that might be worth a few points in the coaches’ or writers’ poll.

Baseball running as baseball does, this provincially […]

The Hated Get Captured by the Hateful

“The moon belongs to everyone,” a wise man once informed a hallucinating man, though the subject could have been the playoffs, and that would have been wise, too. They’re here for all of us every October that isn’t October 1994, even if the best things in life include the Mets playing in them, and that’s […]

A True Fan Favorite

The scouting report I have cobbled together regarding Joe Christopher’s New York Mets career of 1962 through 1965 is he could run pretty well; he could hit pretty well; fielding was optional; and none of it much mattered, because to those who fell hard for the early Mets, Joe’s most outstanding tool was personality. Anecdotal […]

You Can Spell Eppler Without Era

Did we have a Billy Eppler Era? Not quite two years since becoming GM; can’t say they weren’t eventful. Lots of high-profile free agents, which had a lot to do with the owner’s wherewithal to spend, but somebody had to do the hands-on negotiating. Handful of trades that didn’t pan out, then a slew of […]

Late Final

For all you completists in the crowd, it’s our privilege to report a final final score: Mets 1 Marlins 0 in eight rain-shortened innings last Thursday, ensuring the Mets were 75-87 in 2023, rather than whatever it appeared they were when the tarp went on; no resumption was attempted; and nobody from MLB told us […]

One More Press Conference

In a few weeks, David Stearns, Billy Eppler and perhaps Steve Cohen will gather in the Shannon Forde Press Conference Room at Citi Field to introduce the 25th manager in the history of the New York Mets, a day to which I look forward, ’cause ya gotta have a manager. We had a manager until […]

The Best Possible Outcome

Everybody had a hard year
Everybody had a good time
Everybody had a (M)et dream
Everybody saw the sunshine
—Lennon and McCartney, more or less

When I left for Citi Field early Sunday afternoon, Buck Showalter was the manager of the New York Mets. Before I arrived at Citi Field a little later Sunday afternoon, Buck Showalter let it be […]

Second to Last Licks

It finally didn’t rain and the Mets finally got to play, and so for your recapper’s final go-round of the season our heroes presented one game that turned into a nail-biter, one Calvinball farce that was pretty entertaining for all its sloppy meaninglessness, a doubleheader sweep that didn’t matter, a depressing thought, and a happy […]