The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Only Flag Available

Of all the key offseason hires approved by Steve Cohen, I haven’t seen the name Florian Cloud de Bounevialle O’Malley Armstrong appointed as Senior Vice President, Strategic Planning, or whatever title would imply a person has been brought in to help the Mets figure out what to do next. No wonder she’s not in Flushing, […]

Ron Hodges Backed Us Up

I have a few overriding memories of Ron Hodges’s Mets career that aren’t his signature moment in baseball.

1) Memorial Day 1976: The Mets have won the first game of a holiday doubleheader against Pittsburgh. They’re being shut out by Doc Medich in the second game. Ron Hodges hits a home run in the ninth. They […]

Stood by Me (and Me by Him)

My friend Matt Silverstone. It feels good to write that. It doesn’t feel good knowing I’m writing it because I recently did a little curiosity-driven Internet snooping and discovered Matt died eight years ago. I seem to run into that situation when I start to wonder whatever happened to some old friend of mine with […]

Minutes of the Most Valuable Meeting

“I call to order the 2023 meeting of the Faith and Fear in Flushing Awards Committee for the purpose of selecting the Richie Ashburn Most Valuable Met for the season just past. Before we proceed, is there any old business?”
“Yeah — who did we name last year?”
“Uh… Starling Marte.”
“Wow. That doesn’t look very visionary a […]

Happy Murphday, Tom

To properly commemorate what would have been the 79th birthday of Tom Seaver on Friday, the New York Mets made a gift of Daniel Vogelbach’s availability to anybody who wants him. Technically, it was a non-tendering, but a gift is a gift. Vogelbach’s status as beloved Met who could deliver a hit on demand was […]

Leaders are Strange When They are Strangers

Whether as a season ticket perk, a stop on a tour or an element of community outreach, the Mets’ press conference space is sometimes occupied by activities other than Mets’ press conferences. Once in a while, when I’m at Citi Field with a media credential and I’m a bit early, I’ll step into the room […]

Enter the Octagon

Welcome back to Faith and Fear in Flushing’s recently dormant series 3B-OF/OF-3B, an attempt to understand why the New York Mets have spent so much of their (and our) lives trying to fit guys who play one position well at a position where they inevitably less well. Or, if you care to be sanguine about […]

Unknown Quantity

When I first heard of bright, young Yankees bench coach Carlos Mendoza a few years ago, I was disappointed to think that our September 1997 callup outfielder, the one who broke up Dustin Hermanson’s no-hit bid in what became known within certain circles of the Metsnoscenti as The Carl Everett Game with his first major […]

Interim Pleasures

Whether it was out of quaint National League loyalty, appreciation for vanquishing the Phillies, or a fleeting fancy born of the whims of October, I was an Arizona Diamondbacks fan for five nights in the World Series, extending the quick hop I made aboard their slithering bandwagon during the NLCS. An interim fan, you might […]