The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Last Time (This Time)

I finally got to the point I wish I could hurry along to in bad Mets seasons: the moment where the disappointment and anger drain away, I’m just sad things didn’t go better, and I remember that I should try to enjoy what little season is left.

On Wednesday night Emily and I used the last […]

All Caught Up

Wayne Randazzo wasn’t wrong Tuesday when he outlined ways baseball could speed up its action. Specifically, he preached adoption of a pitch clock like that used in the minors to get games moving faster and, ultimately, over faster. But his partner du jour, Lee Mazzilli, wasn’t wrong, either, when he asked Wayne in apparent sincerity, […]

The Ejector Seat

On Sunday, a day after being eliminated from a chance at a playoff berth, the Mets were eliminated from a chance of being mathematically average. They have lost 82 games, meaning the best possible outcome for their season is a record of 80-82, and anyone who thinks they can manage that should please report to […]

Streaks Strike Once More

The hardest-to-ignore streak extant in Metsdom met its most stubborn if most obscure in Milwaukee Saturday night. Both involved losing.

The one you can’t miss measures five. For the fifth consecutive season, the New York Mets will not be going to the playoffs. They will not enter the postseason as a Wild Card and they will […]

Two Microcosms ... Make That Three

In the top of the first against the playoff-bound Brewers Friday night, the Mets saw 39 pitches from Eric Lauer, were at bat for 20 minutes … and somehow scored one run. There’s a microcosm of their season: inefficient, unlucky, infuriating even when they manage to do something positive.

In the bottom of the first against […]

Do You Remember the 131 Mets of September?

What the Mets could use right now is another Ed Kranepool, another Cleon Jones, another Bud Harrelson, not to mention another Nolan Ryan, another Ken Boswell, another Duffy Dyer. Maybe another Lee Mazzilli, another Mookie Wilson, another Wally Backman. Throw in another Ron Darling, another Kevin Mitchell, another Kevin Elster. Hell, even another Doug Sisk […]

Summer (The Last Time)

In Lost in America, after Julie Hagerty as Linda Howard gambles away the family nest egg at the Desert Inn, her husband David — Albert Brooks — tries to convince the casino manager, played by Garry Marshall, that the house should really give them their money back. We’re not really Las Vegas people is the […]

Draining Away

Once again, it’s sand in the hourglass time — the last few grains, the regret about what could have been, the wanting it to just be over, and the reminding yourself that as soon as it is you’ll want a little more. The Mets have become the old joke about the food being terrible and […]

What Comes After

On Sunday night Edwin Diaz — he of the electric arsenal and its sometimes self-electrocuting results — stood on the mound and stared in at Bryce Harper, probably the league’s MVP and a longtime thorn in the Mets’ side who seemed about the dimensions of a redwood just then. Two outs in the ninth, 3-2 […]

Use Your Illusion

During one of the many, many, many one-run losses that have defined the blur of futility that has smothered the illusion of a pennant race in these parts, I asked my friend of nearly 30 years Rob Emproto how things were going with his band. It’s not really “his” band, but it’s not like I […]