The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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This Night Won't Last Forever

The grizzled cabbie craned his neck out of the taxi window to survey the madhouse on Market Street. San Francisco’s busiest downtown boulevard, even on normal days, was teeming with thousands of jubilant Giant followers. Car horns were honking. Orange and black confetti was fluttering from the windows above. Strangers were shaking hands, then embracing. […]

Haunted By Hindsight This Halloween

Nothing could be more terrifying on Halloween than coming into contact with ghosts of Mets Who Almost Were. Tonight, with however many leftover fun size Milky Ways you choose as your companions, you’ll have the opportunity to turn on your television (your actual television) and have the blue and orange scared out of you by […]

Watching the Series: That's More Like It

Six NLCS and two World Series games later, there’s a National League team playing baseball on my television again. Everybody involved in making it disappear as long as it did is still a snake, but baseball is baseball, and I’m an American — easy to distract with flickering high-definition images of painted faces and soaring […]

No Sacred Cows Graze Here

Our whole year builds up to these kinds of Fall Classic moments: we anticipate every move; we dissect every morsel of potential strategy; we hang on every word written and spoken in advance…and then, finally, the big event takes place.

For us Mets fans, offseason press conferences are our version of World Series games — except […]

While Selig Slept

The worst commissioner since Bowie Kuhn will probably be inducted into the Hall of Fame someday. It’s inevitable. Baseball loves to honor its emptiest suits. They did it for the hollow haberdashery inhabited by Bowie Kent Kuhn and they’ll do it for the incumbent do-nothing prop of ownership. Clear space in Cooperstown for a plaque […]

Ryan Tryin' To Be The Fourth

We’re all aware that Nolan Ryan is taking part (albeit from very good seats in the stands) in his first World Series since 1969. But were you aware that if the Rangers prevail then he’ll be in an exclusive club of 1969 Mets alumni? How exclusive? So exclusive it doesn’t include Tom Seaver. Read all […]

Rooting For Instead of Against

We are on the cusp of the Blessedly Likable World Series, featuring two teams that carry little baggage in our weary eyes. We’re not rooting against anybody; instead we’re choosing between the team that took out the Yankees and the team that took out the Phillies. How can we not like both of them?

Pulling back […]

Nightmares Don't Have to Come True

Mets fans will be nobody’s World Series sidebar in 2010, and that’s all right by me.

Not The Yankees qualified Friday night. Not The Phillies sealed the deal Saturday night. The Texas Rangers and the San Francisco Giants deserve a dual round of applause from all of us for making us happily irrelevant over the next […]

And I'm Feelin' Vlad All Over

I can’t believe they walked somebody to get to you.

Not The Yankees got the job done. Congratulations Texas Rangers for coming into your own. Congratulations to my favorite player who’s never been a Met, who — had free agency been more wisely deployed in the winter of 2004 — could have been a […]

Too Much Baseball, Not Enough Baseball

Oh, we didn’t think it would be easy, did we? We diehard Not The Yankees and Not The Phillies fans didn’t really believe our favorite teams would put away their opposition in five fussless games, did we?

Would have been nice, though.

Yes, it would have been outstanding if Not The Yankees could have flown home to […]