The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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That’s Powerful Stuff

When your opponent puts double digits in the run column and you win, anyway…

When you record a final score in your favor that you haven’t posted since the final months of the previous century…

When the prohibitive favorite to lead your team in his signature category for a record-tying fifth consecutive season might be compelled to […]

Winning Time

For whoever molds the story of the 2022 New York Mets into a controversial albeit highly entertaining limited series for HBO, here are a few data points to keep in mind when deciding where to be dramatic and where to be accurate.

• Left fielder Nick Plummer was not making his major league debut when he […]

Big Score Hunting

Bill James recently tweeted, “Things happen in baseball every day of the season which haven’t happened before. It isn’t ‘History’ unless someone writing a history of baseball or a history of the franchise or some such would bother to mention it. Otherwise, it’s just an oddity, or trivia.” In that case, I’m here to mention […]

First Place Team Still Alive

With a one-and-a-half game lead over two rivals and an off day today, the Mets are guaranteed go into the books as the kings of April 2018, provided there are books devoted to April kings in any year. At most, there’s maybe a pamphlet.

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The Glass is 16 Runs Full

Neil Walker apparently forgot how many outs there were. Jose Reyes ensured there were more outs than there should have been. Jacob deGrom walked five batters, gave up five runs and barely made it through five innings. Glenn Sherlock betrayed a fetishistic fondness for red lights when green would have been the stylish choice. Curtis […]

Impressive Nonetheless

When Yoenis Cespedes re-accommodated yet another baseball over a relatively distant fence five innings into Wednesday night’s beatdown of Philadelphia, I was quite pleased. Really, I was. I glanced up from my tablet, mentioned aloud, “Hey that’s his third,” and, I’m pretty sure, raised a fist slightly above my right ear to further signify my […]

A Unicorn Is Cloned

You don’t see too many games like we saw Saturday night at Coors Field, and — as the Irish Rovers could tell you — you’re never gonna see no unicorn. But if you see the Mets win by a score you’ve never seen them win by before and there’s no telling if or when you’ll […]