The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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On Outliving Gil Hodges

The phrase “48th birthday” carries a Metsian resonance that resounds beyond the usual suspects. Randy Tate, Randy Myers, Aaron Heilman (I suppose)…all valid identifiers for we who are tenured fans/MBTN bookmarkers, yet when I found myself earlier this week noticing the nearness of my 48th birthday, one name unattached to uniform No. 48 planted itself […]

Things to Which I'd Elect John Olerud

John Olerud’s name appears on the 2011 Baseball Hall of Fame ballot. It should be the other way around. The Baseball Hall of Fame should appear on the 2011 John Olerud ballot.


Rules: Please vote for the honors, offices and/or institutions to which John Olerud should consider lending his considerable personage. Mr. […]

Dressed to the 9's

In 2009, Flashback Friday commemorated the milestone anniversaries of previous Mets seasons ending in 9: 1969, 1979, 1989 and 1999 with a series subtitled I Saw The Decade End. Here, for handy reference (a year after the fact, because I sort of forgot to give it its “Best of FAFIF” cataloguing treatment last December), is […]

34 Ballparks in 34 Paragraphs

What? You didn’t get a ballpark for Christmas? Fear not, for I have regifted one of the presents baseball has given me — a quick trip to the 34 ballparks I’ve visited, passed on to you one paragraph at a time, from least to most beloved. Should you care to linger longer at a given […]

Take Me Out to Old Comiskey Park

Welcome to the final edition of Flashback Friday: Take Me Out to 34 Ballparks, a celebration, critique and countdown of every major league ballpark one baseball fan has been fortunate enough to visit in a lifetime of going to ballgames.

BALLPARK: Comiskey Park
HOME TEAM: Chicago White Sox
VISITED: June 27, 1989
CHRONOLOGY: 6th of 34
RANKING: 1st of […]

The Wrong Season

Perhaps it’s this miserable cold I’ve contracted and can’t divest myself of, or it’s the impending winter solstice (you mean it’s still fall?) but something overwhelming has occurred to me this evening:

I don’t care what the Mets are doing at the moment.

I will care. Of course I’ll care, but for now, I’ve run out of […]

The Ides of Something

It’s not yet the Baseball Equinox — though I’m eagerly awaiting word from Greg that we’re finally closer to new baseball than we are to old. But nonetheless, in the last couple of days I’ve felt a quickening somewhere in my blue-and-orange soul.

Spring's coming. Promise.

And it has nothing to do with our front […]

Take Me Out to Camden Yards

Welcome to a special weekend edition of Flashback Friday: Take Me Out to 34 Ballparks, a celebration, critique and countdown of every major league ballpark one baseball fan has been fortunate enough to visit in a lifetime of going to ballgames.

BALLPARK: Oriole Park at Camden Yards
HOME TEAM: Baltimore Orioles
VISITS: 7, plus a tour

Rapid Robert's Incredible Staying Power

Bob Feller, as fast and as good as any pitcher who ever lived, never stopped sharing his immortality, right up until his death yesterday, at age 92. With no advance hype, Bob showed up at Shea Stadium on Ralph Kiner Night three years ago. Bob Feller was inducted into the Hall of Fame the year […]

A Winter's Day, A Baseball December

Looking back, you could see that as the last moment when the sports business was at human scale, a club where everybody knew who was who.
—Richard Ben Cramer, Joe DiMaggio: The Hero’s Life

Why wouldn’t you want to be around baseball in December? It’s so much better than everything else December has to offer.

Tuesday, December 14, […]