The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Good Times I Remember

Happy 1975 everybody! No, I’m not daft, but I realize with less than one day left in 2015, the opportunity to write a milestone remembrance of one of my favorite Met years is about to expire. I could write about 1975 in 2016, but that would be the 41st anniversary and even though 41 is […]

The Year We Turned Ten

With Faith and Fear’s tenth-anniversary year coming to an end, I thought this would be a handy occasion to round up the series of ten articles I wrote to reflect upon our 2005-2015 milestone and revisit their subject matter a bit.

1. Madoff Changes Everything (March 9)

You know what I like to write about? Baseball. One […]

The 2015 Oscar’s Cap Awards

It’s the one where Dick Clark is improbably playing himself as an afternoon drive time disc jockey on versatile WZAZ radio, and part of his gig is calling New Yorkers at random with trivia questions. The topic, he says, is opera, “which for you kids out is music with a lot of killing”. The number […]

Welcome, THB Class of 2015!

Those of you who’ve waited with bated breath for this annual feature (pause for crickets), my apologies — blame paid work competing for my time and the curdling of my attitude about the 2015 World Series from acceptance to anger, a psychological ambush I’ll delve into one of these days.

Background: I have a trio of binders, long […]

They’re Making Me Divvy

One of the most fascinating sets of figures I ever came across grabbed my attention forty years ago this month. The Sporting News printed what every member of every qualifying team received in the way of a postseason share. In those four-division days, shares were allocated to teams that finished first, second and third in […]

Like Never Before

“It is a vital part of American sports that the present is tethered to the past,” Tim Layden recently wrote in Sports Illustrated. As a line of thinking, it’s completely understandable and not necessarily undesirable. If we’re any kind of long-term fans, we root for whom we root because we’ve rooted for whom we’ve rooted. […]

Summer of Cespedes

Happy days in the hazy summer
Happy days being with each other
We’re gonna take a break by the rolling sea
The perfect summer, just you and me
—Chris Difford & Glen Tilbrook, “Happy Days,” 2015

Several players pushed the New York Mets to the brink of a breakthrough in 2015, but one more than any other was the reason […]

Pardon Our Mets

A word of thanks is in order to all those who attended Monday night’s Varsity Letters salute to the 2015 National League Champion New York Mets, a program in which I was honored to participate. It was great to meet or get reacquainted with a passel of Faith and Fear readers and wonderful to be […]

The Soapiest Recap?

Gelf Magazine refers to Faith and Fear as the unofficial recapper of “the soap opera that is the Metropolitans”. I’m more restless than young (and some days barely more active than the very recently retired Michael Cuddyer), but I’ll take that and point you back to Gelf for this Q&A they were kind enough to […]

Monday Night Baseball

Because December needs it badly, the Varsity Letters sports discussion and reading series will devote itself to baseball this Monday night — and not just any baseball, but National League Champion Mets baseball. I will have the honor of speaking there and hope you will be there to listen and speak back.

I’ll be previewing my […]