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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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There Go the Non-Hitters

Six hits. Five for singles. Only two — the lone double, followed by one of the singles — were grouped in helpful proximity to one another, generating an entire run to cut the scoreboard deficit from gaping to yawning, but either way insurmountable most of the afternoon.

Sit indoors on a sunny Sunday in New York and watch the Mets play indoors on a sunny Sunday in Miami, and that’s what you get. One run produced by a bunch of batters not performing as hitters, few of whom you’d more than barely heard of or thought about weeks ago. Plus a pitcher who seems like a really nice guy, which wouldn’t be the first thing you’d say about him if he seemed like a really good pitcher. Or fielder.

Nobody’s really good among those who don uniforms indicating their affiliation with the New York Mets right now, including the few who’ve been here since the season began. We keep up with them anyway. It’s not hard. They’re only six hits better than us.

I kid. I kid because I love. Of course they could beat me and eight people off the street at a game of baseball. Implicit in that appraisal is the Mets come across as nine people off the street, but baseball is their profession. They’ve got that on we who note their shortcomings for free. They get paid for 5-1 losses to the Marlins. Theirs is not a performance-based compensation system from series to series. Thank goodness, for their sake.

Jordan Yamamoto (who seems like a really nice guy) had a rough second inning, featuring a couple of misplays he had a hand in, and five runs crossed the plate against him. He also has a sore shoulder. All of the above is enough to make a pitcher at least the No. 4 starter on the New York Mets this week. The Marlins let him go. I can see why, if only because between Pablo Lopez on Saturday and Cody Poteet on Sunday, they wouldn’t have room for a righty who can provide three pretty good innings and one sorta unlucky frame in between. Lopez and Poteen pitched very well versus the Mets this weekend. I guess they did.

It was the Mets, after all.

Ouch! Again, I kid. Not really, but the Mets remain in first place, which is the preferred destination for any baseball team in any division, even this one. It is the National League East, after all. I doubt we can count on the prevailing mediocrity of our semi-circuit as a mitigating factor much longer, however. We also can’t point to the daily presence of the “C” team as a Met-igating factor much longer if we choose to take the Mets seriously as a contender in 2021. Games remain scheduled whether or not you come prepared with an optimal assortment of players. It’s not the fault of the journeymen who are populating the roster currently that they were nobody’s first or second choice to be “the Mets” of the moment. They arrived in the organization as depth. They hoped they’d avoid alternate sites and get a call individually, but they didn’t expect to ascend to the majors en masse. I doubt they rallied one another in St. Lucie or Syracuse or wherever they crossed paths and said, “Wouldn’t it be great if all of us among the overlooked, undernoticed and generally dismissed got our chance together?”

But they have. Sometimes, as on Friday, it works. Sometimes, as on Saturday, it almost works. Sometimes it’s Sunday, when Johneshwy Fargas doubles, Wilfredo Tovar singles him in and Yennsy Diaz looks good for an inning…and that’s it, basically. Throw in perennial holdover Robert Gsellman pitching some decent relief and that’s really it. The Mets couldn’t withstand the Marlins defensively and they could barely bother the Marlins offensively and, geez, it’s the Marlins, though at this point who are we to overlook, undernotice or dismiss any opponent?

12 comments to There Go the Non-Hitters

  • Greg

    Rumor has it that two of the healthy, high-paid, “A” team members who might be helping to win a couple of games with the “Cs” are perhaps the two worst hitters in the majors this season (barring pitchers and bench players).

  • eric1973

    Ya know, when this series started, I thought these pests were going to sweep us, down in their ugly boring place.

    So two out of three ain’t bad.

  • Harvey

    Mets management ought to reduce ticket prices for this week’s homestand to what the Syracuse Mets charge since the product on the field is not major league caliber (except for Jake).

  • Seth

    Other teams get no-hitters, the Mets have non-hitters.

  • TJ

    “Games remain scheduled whether or not you come prepared with an optimal assortment of players.” Unless it’s Opening Weekend and the other guys test positive for COVID.

  • open the gates

    To be fair, the Mets have had years when the “non-hitters” were the starters, not the backups’ backups’ backups.

    And there’s something fun about seeing kids like Johneshwy Fargas getting their shots, and recidivists like Wilfredo Tovar (there’s a name I never thought I’d hear again) getting another shot with the Amazin’s, and career backups like Tomas Nido pushing their way into the starting lineup.

    Well, it’s fun until they start losing. We’re in first place with smoke and mirrors right now. And as infuriating as Rojas’s quick hooks have been, he still deserves some credit for keeping this Titanic of a team afloat.

  • mikeL

    ^^ and years when the “non-hitters” were stars and superstars…oh wait…

    i for one have enjoyed watching khalil and johneshwy patrol center and right, villar at third and smith at first, nido behind the plate, we’ve got the beginnings of a nice team here.

    the “no-pitcher : pitchers” TBA thing is a more troubling feature of this bizarre team and season.

    ahh seems like years ago that i went to bed thinking lindor might only be a rental in 2021 – and was bummed. that was nothing!

  • mikeL


    the non-hitting catcher will be the never been1B?
    after we got a short glimpse of a natural 1B at 1B??

    there MUST have been “conversations” about this senseless move

  • eric1973

    I’d rather have McCann in Left Out.

  • 140 total runs scored this season!! Then again its basically a minor league ball club out there.. There’s nothing fun about this. Mets broadcasts are pretty tough to watch now..
    Jacob tonight is something to look forward to..
    If I had Lindors money I’d keep smiling too with his extended drive on the Interstate..