The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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When Johan Was Hall That

For the sixth consecutive Thanksgiving, Mets fans’ thankfulness index implicitly included “Johan Santana was ours.” SNY put the holiday to good use and aired what must be its most-aired Mets Classic, the game of June 1, 2012. It served as an after dinner reminder of who Johan Santana was and what he did for us. […]

Baxter At The Wall

Multiple reports to the contrary, Mike Baxter isn’t going anywhere. He remains a New York Met in the hearts and minds of Mets fans everywhere. He’s simply moving off the 40-man roster and out of the organization while he continues to pursue his baseball-playing career. Surely, it’s a temporary arrangement.

All teams are compelled to straighten […]

I Got Your Relevance Right Here

A one-night pass was issued in advance. When the Mets sweep the Yankees, you cannot in all good faith complain about the next loss, even if it is to the frigging Marlins at their frigging boondoggle aquarium in front of a few dozen exotic fish and maybe a few dozen more curious onlookers. Shaun Marcum […]

The Way We Speak Now

Mets fans understand each other because of our shared language, a common tongue that allows us to communicate with one another in a form of shorthand that speaks to our peaks of triumph, our valleys of despair and those plains on which we journey for the journey’s sake. Taken as a whole, our shared language […]


The First No-Hitter in New York Mets History can be watched (and listened to in two languages) again and again by the five Faith and Fear readers who were first to correctly answer all 15 questions of our Monday night quiz. Congratulations to Chris D’Orso, Josh Himmelsbach, Brock Mahan, Stephen Malone and Joe Nunziata, and […]

Win a No-Hitter!


You haven’t lived until you’ve listened to the Spanish-language call of the ninth inning of the First No-Hitter in New York Mets History synced to the video. And if you’re wondering where you can do that, boy do we have a DVD for five of you!

Watch. […]

No-Hitter Paraphernalia Sale Continues

They sold the jerseys, they sold the dirt, they sold replicas of the tickets they didn’t sell…the Mets were so anxious to cash in on Johan Santana’s no-hitter that they even put the game-used shortstop up for sale! Didn’t necessarily think there’d be any takers, but the Orioles just had to have a piece of […]

A Little More Euphoria

Before Jason examines today’s not-quite-a-win in the series finale, I wanted to direct your attention to a piece I wrote on the Huffington Post in which a Mets fan’s sportsmanlike joy for the no-hitters of others morphs into full-out reveling over one of his own. You can read it here if you don’t mind being […]

Approaching History When Everything's Changed

Saturday: a solid Mets win featuring a shutout from starting pitcher R.A. Dickey, a home run from David Wright and slick infield work from the unlikely double play tandem of Omar Quintanilla and Daniel Murphy.

Friday: History.

I’m guessing you’ll indulge me if I’m not quite ready to move on to extended consideration of Saturday’s solid Mets […]

Orlando's OK With Me

Given my choice, of course I wouldn’t have been in Orlando.

Nothing against Orlando, or Disney World (where I’m staying while signing books at Star Wars Weekends), but on the night Johan Santana freed us from our ancient, unwanted distinction, my first choice would of course have been to be in the stands at Citi Field, […]