The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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What Was That All About?

When Jenrry Mejia clutched some indeterminate part of his upper body and walked unhappily off the mound, I just stared at the TV.

It could be nothing — when a young pitcher whose arm is potentially worth millions does anything odd on the mound, the catcher rears up, the trainer double-times it to the mound, the […]

Two Nights With the Mets, Told in Three Parts

Part 1: Friday Night Frights

Went to see the Mets play ball. Lovely evening, and great company in my pals Wayne and Amanda, the latter a visitor and, horrible to say, a Yankee fan. (She was also a model guest — I didn’t once hear the number 27, an invocation of rings or a sentence ended […]

Grow Some Saves of Your Own, Ideally

Saturday afternoon…we were never in that. Mike Pelfrey briefly masqueraded as Washington managerial superhero Wriggle Man, wriggling in and out of trouble until he could wriggle no longer. Jose Reyes grimaced while fielding a grounder in the hole and became, in that instant, a non-playing All-Star. Tim Hudson threw a river of unhittable pitches. Jason […]

Say Goodbye to Olliewood

“Now, Leo, most of us are just hearing the news. And I don’t like to be the first one to say it, but I’m gonna. I think the President has got to strongly consider not running for re-election.”

“You think you’re the first one to say it?”


“You are, at minimum, […]

When I Find Myself in Times of Trouble, R.A. Dickey Comes to Me

When the Mets score eight to win by eight and give me my personal-record eighth victory in a row, you know what that means?

I don’t know. But it sure feels good. I’ll take serene eights over the crazy kind any day.

When last we saw the Phillies in New York, they were no help whatsoever, ich […]

The Age of Diminished Expectations

Pirates manager Jim Leyland took issue with the team’s We Play Hardball promo. “We can’t say we play hardball, I’m tired of that bleep,” he said.
—Peter Gammons, Sports Illustrated, June 9, 1986

Adam Wainwright gave the Cardinals everything they could have asked for Sunday night: a 107-pitch complete game victory. John Maine gave the Mets everything […]

Stupid Wins As Stupid Does

Tim McCarver called it a classic. The Baseball Tonight crawl called it a classic. Yet don’t mistake long for excellent. That was not a classic. It was certifiably long, the final result was immensely preferable to the alternative, and there were certainly aspects of it to like and even treasure, but that 20-inning Mets win […]

Albert's Supporting Cast

I suppose what I’ll remember from this game is the look of anguish on Raul Valdes’s face as he watched his curveball not curve.

Or, rather, it did curve — very gently, so as to offer itself politely to Felipe Lopez’s bat and thereby begin its long trip to a final destination beyond the left-field fence. […]

Spare Parts and Broken Hearts

“This is Country Time lemonade mix. There’s never been anything close to a lemon in it, I swear!”
—Kid from Shelbyville, “Lemon of Troy,” The Simpsons

Upset that the Mets don’t have a plan? Please. The Mets have never had anything close to a plan in them.

I swear.

It would be too easy to say “plan” is a […]

Mets Also Not Getting It Done

I wonder how many Ollie Perez starts Johan Santana would have to make to have me look at him in anything but awe. Even after he gave up five runs in five innings Sunday, when I saw him giving postgame interviews, all I could think was, “There’s the man who threw a three-hit shutout on […]