The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Five Innings, 5,000 Losses & One Avatar of Promise

It’s not every day your favorite Major League Baseball franchise registers its 5,000th regular-season loss. The day our favorite Major League Baseball franchise registered its 5,000th regular-season loss, the skies clouded up all morning and afternoon; began to mist and drizzle as evening set in; and then began to pour down through the night. Somewhere […]

But Maybe It's Better Not to Burn the Barn in the First Place

This recap begins with a confession.

Emily and I had tickets for Thursday night’s game, obtained weeks ago in exchange for a smallish charitable contribution. My 2023 debut at Citi Field was nigh, and with it the chance to demonstrate that I was not, in fact, jinxed despite having gone 0 for 2022 as an attendee, […]

An Inconvenient Truth

When the Mets returned to what we’ll loosely call action Tuesday night, they were the inverse of what Annie Savoy saw in her Durham Bulls one extraordinary June and July where they’d played with joy and verve and poetry. That will happen after a cross-country flight that follows a West Coast road trip, we were […]

Some Things Can't Be Patched

The good news: The Mets fixed the New York-Presbyterian patch, the one that was unreadable and looked vaguely like an ad for the Phillies, Dunkin’ Donuts or some nightmarish chimera of those two entities. It annoyed Steve Cohen, and when you’re Steve Cohen and you’re annoyed, people hop to it.

The other good news: Nope, that […]

Small Step If Not a Giant Leap

Francisco Alvarez went up and got it. The pitch, from Tyler Rogers, was measured at 3.87 feet off the ground. It looked higher. It flew higher. It flew over Oracle Park’s left field fence, which is eight feet high. After going up, getting it, and sending it for an aerial ride, Alvarez had every right […]

Bad Poems Rhyme Too

I don’t remember when the thought first crawled into my brain. It might have been when our starting pitcher had strained his neck watching another ball explore the outermost confines of Oracle Park. Or perhaps it was when said starting pitcher was chasing down a ball caroming between fielders while Giants ran around the bases […]

Sky Has Fallen

What Joey Lucchesi did on Friday night was, in the pitching-short present, necessary and appreciated. Off the radar for nearly two years while he underwent and rehabbed from Tommy John surgery, Joey the Churve stormed back from obscurity and Syracuse to do more for the Mets in one outing than he had done the whole […]

Our Uniform and Theirs

Loyalty is strange.

Not in the sense of feeling it for men decades younger than me, men I think I know but don’t in any way that matters. Though that’s certainly strange too.

No, I was thinking about it in the context of how that loyalty gets transferred when those young men change — sometimes willingly and […]

Shvitzy! Sticky! Suspended?

The man used sweat and rosin, he said. He said it a lot. He repeated it enough so that I believed him, which doesn’t always work. The pitcher doth protest too much, methinks might be applicable here, except the pitcher pitches for the Mets and Met-think is how methinks. Besides, this is Max Scherzer in […]

Just Time Doing Its Tick Tick Tick Thing

Meditations on time before and during watching Clayton Kershaw toy with various Mets:

The Dodgers are forever. I started watching baseball in earnest in 1976, when I was seven, and learned the game by memorizing the backs of baseball cards, scouring a cinderblock-sized Baseball Encyclopedia, and devouring various books checked out from the Emma S. Clark […]